2.2.1 • Published 3 months ago

soundcraft-ui-connection v2.2.1

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3 months ago



This library provides a generic connection interface for the Soundcraft Ui series audio mixers (Ui12, Ui16 and Ui24R).


npm i soundcraft-ui-connection


Initialization and connection

import { SoundcraftUI } from 'soundcraft-ui-connection';

const conn = new SoundcraftUI(mixerIP);

conn.disconnect(); // close connection
conn.reconnect(); // close connection and reconnect after timeout

All three methods return a Promise that resolves when the operation has finished. This is useful when you want to wait for the connection to be open before you start using the mixer. Please note that these Promises will not reject on errors. If you want to receive errors, use the status$ Observable instead.

Receive status

Status messages of the connection are exposed as an observable stream:

conn.status$.subscribe(status => {
  // ...

All messages have a type property with one of the following values:

OPENINGConnecting to the mixer
OPENSuccessfully connected to the mixer
CLOSINGDisconnecting from the mixer
CLOSEDisconnected from the mixer
ERRORConnection error occured. The error object can be accessed through the payload property of the message.
RECONNECTINGAfter an error, trying reconnection

Use commands and feedback

The SoundcraftUI object exposes commands and feedback in a human-readable and object-oriented structure. Feedback is published as streams that you can subscribe to. This uses the Observable object from RxJS. See a list of all available commands and feedback streams below.


conn.master.faderLevel$.subscribe(value => {
  // ...

Commands and Feedback


The following operations can be used to interact with the global master fader.

conn.master.setFaderLevel(value)Set the master fader level (between 0 and 1)
conn.master.setFaderLevelDB(dbValue)Set the master fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
conn.master.changeFaderLevelDB(offsetDB)Change the master fader level relatively by adding a given value (in dB)
conn.master.fadeTo(value, fadeTime)Fade master to value (between 0 and 1)
conn.master.fadeToDB(value, fadeTime)Fade master to dB value (between -Infinity and 10)
conn.master.pan(value)Set the master pan (between 0 and 1)
conn.master.setDelayL(ms)Set left delay (ms) of the master output (between 0 and 500)
conn.master.setDelayR(ms)Set right delay (ms) of the master output (between 0 and 500)
conn.master.changeDelayL(offsetMs)Relatively change left delay (ms) of the master output (maximum 500 ms)
conn.master.changeDelayR(offsetMs)Relatively change right delay (ms) of the master output (maximum 500 ms)
conn.master.dim()Dim master
conn.master.undim()Undim master
conn.master.toggleDim()Toggle master dim
conn.master.setDim(value)Set master dim (0 or 1)
conn.master.faderLevel$Get master fader level (between 0 and 1)
conn.master.faderLevelDB$Get master fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
conn.master.pan$Get master pan value (between 0 and 1)
conn.master.dim$Get master dim status (0 or 1)
conn.master.delayL$Get left delay (ms) of the master output (between 0 and 500)
conn.master.delayR$Get right delay (ms) of the master output (between 0 and 500)

Generic channel operations

All channels on all buses have similar behavior. Therefore, these operations are available for any channel like MasterChannel, FxChannel or AuxChannel:

setFaderLevel(value)Set fader level (between 0 and 1)
setFaderLevelDB(dbValue)Set fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
changeFaderLevelDB(offsetDB)Change fader level relatively by adding a given value (in dB)
fadeTo(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to value (between 0 and 1)
fadeToDB(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to dB value (between -Infinity and 10)
setMute(value)Set mute for channel (0 or 1)
mute()Mute channel
unmute()Unmute channel
toggleMute()Toggle mute status
name$Get readable name of the channel
faderLevel$Get fader level (between 0 and 1)
faderLevelDB$Get fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
mute$Get mute status (0 or 1)

Master bus

Get access to a MasterChannel object first:

conn.master.input(2)Input 2 on master bus
conn.master.line(1)Line Input 1 on master bus
conn.master.player(1)Player channel 1 on master bus
conn.master.aux(2)AUX channel 2 on master bus
conn.master.fx(3)FX channel 3 on master bus
conn.master.sub(3)Sub group 3 on master bus
conn.master.vca(4)VCA 4 on master bus

The MasterChannel exposes the following operations:

Call on master channelDescription
all generic channel operations
pan(value)Set pan for channel (between 0 and 1)
setSolo(value)Set solo for channel (0 or 1)
solo()Enable solo
unsolo()Disable solo
toggleSolo()Toggle solo status
solo$Get solo status (0 or 1)
pan$Get pan value (between 0 and 1)

For input, line and aux master channels, the bus returns a DelayableMasterChannel object which is a subtype of MasterChannel. It contains the following members:

Call on channelDescription
all from master channel
setDelay(ms)Set delay of the channel in milliseconds (between 0 and 250 (for input or line inputs) or 500 (for aux outputs))
changeDelay(offsetMs)Change channel delay relatively by adding a given value in milliseconds
delay$Get channel delay in milliseconds

AUX buses

Get access to a AuxBus object with conn.aux(busNumber). Then pick one of the available AuxChannel objects:

conn.aux(3).input(2)Input 2 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).line(1)Line Input 1 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).player(1)Player channel 1 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).fx(3)FX channel 3 on AUX bus 3

An AuxChannel supports the following operations:

Call on AUX channelDescription
all generic channel operations
pan(value)Set pan for channel (between 0 and 1). Not possible for mono AUX!
pre()Set channel to PRE
post()Set channel to POST
togglePost()Toggle PRE/POST status
setPost(value)Set POST (1) or PRE (0)
preProc()Set channel to PRE PROC
postProc()Set channel to POST PROC
setPostProc(value)Set POST PROC (1) or PRE PROC (0)
post$Get POST status (0 for PRE, 1 for POST)
pan$Get pan value (between 0 and 1)

FX buses

Get access to a FxBus object with conn.fx(busNumber). Then pick one of the available FxChannels:

conn.fx(2).input(2)Input 2 on FX bus 2
conn.fx(2).line(1)Line Input 1 on FX bus 2
conn.fx(2).player(1)Player channel 1 on FX bus 2
conn.fx(2).sub(3)Sub group 3 on FX bus 2

An FxChannel supports the following operations:

Call on FX channelDescription
all generic channel operations
pre()Set channel to PRE
post()Set channel to POST
setPost(value)Set POST (1) or PRE (0)
post$Get POST status (0 for PRE, 1 for POST)

Hardware Channels (Phantom Power)

A HwChannel represents a hardware input on the mixer.

On the Ui24R, hardware inputs can be patched to different channels. This is why a hardware channel is not always the same as an input. This distinction is also visible in the original protocol of the mixer as well as in the UI (Phantom Power/Gain are on another page than the input faders). For Ui16 and Ui12, those hardware settings are part of the input channels internally. To keep the library surface clean, this library considers the mixer model in the background and offers all options through the HwChannel class.

First, get a HwChannel by calling conn.hw(inputNumber), e.g. conn.hw(1) for the first input.

Call on HwChannelDescription
phantomOn()Switch ON phantom power
phantomOff()Switch OFF phantom power
togglePhantom()Toggle phantom power status
setPhantom(value)Set phantom power status (0 or 1)
setGain(value)Set gain (between 0 and 1)
setGainDB(dbValue)Set gain in dB (between -6 and 57)
changeGainDB(offsetDB)Change gain relatively by adding a given value (in dB)
phantom$Get phantom power status (0 or 1)
gain$Linear gain level of the channel (between 0 and 1)
gainDB$dB gain level of the channel (between -6 and 57)

Please note that the value conversion for gain dB values in the original Web UI is not exact. Values emitted by gain$ may differ from the values visible in the UI.

SOLO and Headphone Buses

SOLO and Headphone Outputs live on separate internal buses that have individual volume faders in the settings section of the web app. Get access to a VolumeBus object through conn.volume:

conn.volume.soloSOLO bus
conn.volume.headphone(1)Headphone 1 Volume
conn.volume.headphone(2)Headphone 2 Volume

A VolumeBus supports the following operations (which are quite similar to all other fadeable channels):

setFaderLevel(value)Set fader level (between 0 and 1)
setFaderLevelDB(dbValue)Set fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
changeFaderLevelDB(offsetDB)Change fader level relatively by adding a given value (in dB)
fadeTo(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to value (between 0 and 1)
fadeToDB(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to dB value (between -Infinity and 10)
faderLevel$Get fader level (between 0 and 1)
faderLevelDB$Get fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)

MUTE Groups

The mixer supports up to 6 MUTE groups. Functions "MUTE ALL" and "MUTE FX" are also expressed as logical MUTE groups, internally.

First, get access to a MuteGroup object:

conn.muteGroup(1)Mute Group 1
conn.muteGroup(2)Mute Group 2
conn.muteGroup('fx')Group for "MUTE FX"
conn.muteGroup('all')Group for "MUTE ALL"

MuteGroup supports the following operations:

Call on MuteGroupDescription
state$Get MUTE status (0 or 1)
mute()Mute the group
unmute()Unmute the group
toggle()Toggle mute group

Call conn.clearMuteGroups() to disable all MUTE groups. This behaves differently from the "CLEAR MUTE" button in the Soundcraft Web App which also clears channel mutes.

Shows, Snapshots and Cues

Shows and their snapshots/cues can be loaded by providing their names to the following method calls. Please be aware that there will be no check whether a show with the given name actually exists. Information about the currently loaded show, snapshot or cue is also available.

conn.shows.loadShow(showName)Load a show by its name
conn.shows.loadSnapshot(showName, snapshotName)Load a snapshot in a show by its name
conn.shows.loadCue(showName, cueName)Load a cue in a show by its name
conn.shows.currentShow$Currently loaded show
conn.shows.currentSnapshot$Currently loaded snapshot
conn.shows.currentCue$Currently loaded cue

Recording and playback

Media Player

conn.player.state$Current state (playing, stopped, paused) as a value of the PlayerState enum
conn.player.playlist$Current playlist name
conn.player.track$Current track name
conn.player.length$Current track length in seconds
conn.player.elapsedTime$Elapsed time of current track in seconds
conn.player.remainingTime$Remaining time of current track in seconds
conn.player.shuffle$Shuffle setting (0 or 1)
conn.player.next()Next track
conn.player.prev()Previous track
conn.player.loadPlaylist(playlist)Load a playlist by name
conn.player.loadTrack(track, playlist)Load a track from a given playlist
conn.player.setShuffle(value)Set player shuffle setting (0 or 1)
conn.player.toggleShuffle()Toggle player shuffle setting
conn.player.setPlayMode(value)Set player mode like manual or auto. Values are rather internal, please use convenience functions below.
conn.player.setManual()Enable manual mode
conn.player.setAuto()Enable automatic mode

2-Track USB Recorder

The following commands control the dual-track USB recorder in the media player section of the Soundcraft Web App:

conn.recorderDualTrack.recording$Recording state (0 or 1)
conn.recorderDualTrack.busy$Recording busy state (0 or 1)
conn.recorderDualTrack.recordToggle()Toggle recording

Multitrack Recording (Ui24R only)

The Ui24R features multi-track recording. The MultiTackRecorder object can be retrieved via conn.recorderMultiTrack. It supports the following operations:

state$Current state (playing, stopped, paused) as a value of the MtkState enum. Please be aware that the values are different from PlayerState.
session$Current session name (e.g. 0001 or individual name)
length$Current session length in seconds
elapsedTime$Elapsed time of current session in seconds
remainingTime$Remaining time of current session in seconds
recording$Recording state (0 or 1)
busy$Recording busy state (0 or 1)
recordingTime$Recording time in seconds
soundcheck$Soundcheck activation state
recordToggle()Toggle recording
activateSoundcheck()Activate soundcheck
deactivateSoundcheck()Deactivate soundcheck
toggleSoundcheck()Toggle soundcheck
setSoundcheck(value)Set soundcheck (activate or deactivate) (0 or 1)


All channels can perform timed transitions to a given value. Channel and MasterBus contain two methods fadeTo and fadeToDB with the following parameters:

targetValueValue to fade to. The method fadeTo takes a linear value between 0 and 1, the fadeToDB method takes the value in dB between -Infinity and 10.
fadeTimeFade time in milliseconds (ms)
easingoptional: easing characteristic. This needs to be an entry of the Easings enum, see below. Defaults to linear (= no easing).
fpsoptional: frames/ticks per second, defaults to 25. Usually, you don't need to change this.

Both methods return a Promise object that resolves when the transition time is finished. You can use this signal to wait for the transition before starting another operation. Please note that this signal is just implemented as a simple timer. If the transition stops for other reasons (interrupt by another transition or terminated connection), the timer will still run.

// Example:
// Fade input 1 on master bus to 0 dB within 2 seconds
// using the "ease out" characteristic
conn.master.input(1).fadeToDB(0, 2000, Easings.EaseOut);

A transition stops when a new transition is started on the same channel. When the connection is closed, all running transitions will be stopped.

The library supports the following built-in easing characteristics:

import { Easings } from 'soundcraft-ui-connection';

Easings.Linear; // no easing
Easings.EaseIn; // acceleration from zero velocity (slow start)
Easings.EaseOut; // deceleration from zero velocity (slow end)
Easings.EaseInOut; // acceleration until halfway, then deceleration (slow start and end)

Stereo Link

All commands respect the stereo link settings: If a channel is linked, all actions like fader level, mute, solo, etc. will be mirrored to the linked channel. This also applies to stereo-linked AUX buses so that the corresponding channel on a linked AUX bus mirrors the actions.


AUX 1/2Fader level change CH 5 on AUX 1Fader level change CH 5 on AUX 1/2
CH 3/4 and AUX 1/2MUTE CH 3 on AUX 1MUTE CH 3/4 on AUX 1/2

This behavior matches the way the original web app handles stereo-linking.

Device Info

The mixer exposes the following information about the device:

conn.deviceInfo.model$Hardware model (ui12, ui16, ui24) as observable stream
conn.deviceInfo.modelHardware model (ui12, ui16, ui24) as synchronous value
conn.deviceInfo.firmware$Firmware version

Working with raw messages and state

The MixerStore object exposes raw streams with messages and state data. You can use them for debugging purposes or for integration in other services:

  • conn.store.messages$: Stream of all raw SETD and SETS messages (inbound and outbound)
  • conn.store.state$: Stream of state objects, derived from the messages

In much the same way you can send raw messages to the mixer:


Please prefer the human-readable interface over using the raw format! If you're missing any features, please file an issue or PR.

Additional useful information

  • All channel objects are cached and treated as singletons. If you call conn.master.input(3) multiple times, each call returns the exact same object.
  • Input values for fader levels and pan are restricted to the range of 0..1. All other values are not checked or sanitized in any way! Be sure to call the functions with valid values only.




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