1.0.5 • Published 4 years ago

source-reader v1.0.5

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Last release
4 years ago



A command line tool for reading source code more easier.(Only for js now.)

Project file structure, external module dependencies, and internal file module dependencies can be generated.


npm install -g source-reader


Generate project file structure

Is very simple to use:

source-reader tree

Or shorthand:

sr tree

The following effects can be achieved:

Support parameter configuration, the bottom layer uses tree-cli, so you can directly view its documentation. The node_modules, test folder is filtered by default, and the recursion level is 10.

More examples:

filter the bin and test folders:

source-reader tree --ignore bin,test

Show the external module dependency

Only supports viewing the dependencies of the npm package online now. Welcome to work together.

It is very simple, look at the dependencies of the current module (the directory where package.json is located):

source-reader outer

Or shorthand:

sr o

More examples:

View the dependencies of the specified library, such as koa-views

source-reader outer koa-views

Show the internal module dependency

The underlying layer is based on madge and can generate internal file module dependencies. Support json, dot, svg format. (If you need to use svg and dot, you need to install grahpviz first).


The parameter is the entry file.

source-reader inner index.js

Or shorthand:

Sr i index.js

More examples:

Generate svg image

source-reader inner index.js --svg ./index.svg

Output dot format content

source-reader inner index.js --dot

generate source code document directly

Use the all command to generate the code source document.

source-reader all bin/mrgx.js

Or shorthand:

sr all bin/mrgx.js

The inner.svg and READ_SOURCE.md files will be generated in the root directory of project.

Automatically generate file structure, external module dependencies, and internal module dependencies.

The content of file:

# 源码分析

## 文件结构


├── bin
|  └── mrgx.js
├── lib
|  ├── cmd
|  |  └── index.js
|  ├── commander
|  |  └── index.js
|  ├── config

directory: * file: * symboliclink: *

ignored: directory (*)

## 外部模块依赖

请在: http://npm.broofa.com?q=mrgx 查看

## 内部模块依赖


Usage (order by star)

sr used axios --page 3

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