0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

spa-prerender-cli v0.1.0

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2 years ago


A CLI program to prerender single page app with Chromium, like VueJs, React, Angular. Also generate sitemap.xml

js 命令行程序, 使用 Chromium 浏览器预渲染 SPA(单页面应用)网站. 支持 VueJs, React, Angular. 同时生成 sitemap.xml.

Install / 安装

npm install spa-prerender-cli

Usage / 使用

Create config / 创建配置文件

Create prerender.config.ts.

import { defineConfig } from "spa-prerender-cli";

export default defineConfig({
  origin: "https://example.com",
  staticDir: "dist",
  outDir: "dist-pre",

Add script in package.json / 在 package.json 添加执行脚本

"scripts": {
  "prerender": "prerender"

Run script / 运行脚本

npm run prerender

How it works / 工作原理

It creates a server for SPA applications, then use Chromium browser to visit home page, find links, and scrape its rendered HTML code. It finds all internal links from element a and link[rel="alternate"]. If a link can't be found, add it to addtionalUrl in config. It injects variable window.__IS_GENERATED__ = true, you can use this to detect if prerendered.

它创建临时服务器运行 SPA 程序, 然后使用 Chromium 浏览器访问首页, 查找链接, 并抓取渲染后的 HTML 代码. 它通过a标签和link[rel="alternate"]查找站内链接. 如果某链接不能被找到, 把它添加到配置的addtionalUrl中. 会注入变量window.__IS_GENERATED__ = true, 你可以使用此变量判断是否是预渲染后的 HTML.

Config / 配置

// 默认配置
const defaultConfig = {
  staticDir: "dist", // SPA bundle. SPA程序的构建结果文件夹路径.
  outDir: "dist-pre", // pre-rendered bundle. 预渲染的结果路径.
  retry: 3, // retry to scrape a page. 抓取页面失败时的重试次数.
  workers: 5, // scrape several pages at the same time. 同时抓取多个页面.
  urlAmountLimit: 1000, // maximum number of url. 最大链接数量.
  pageTimeout: 1000 * 20, // timeout to scrape a page, unit ms. 抓取页面超时, 单位毫秒.
  addtionalUrl: [] as string[], // 其他入口链接.
  viewport: { width: 1773, height: 887 }, // browser viewport. 抓取时浏览器的大小.
// required config. 必填配置
  // site origin, e.g.: https://example.com
  origin: string;
// optional config. 可选配置
  // replace, e.g.: replace: {'hello world': 'world hello'}
  // 文字替换, 是一个对象, 将会把键替换成值. 见上一行的例子
  replace: Record<string, string>;

Examples / 例子

Feel free to add examples here if your project works well with spa-prerender-cli.

如果 spa-prerender-cli 在你的项目工作良好, 欢迎添加到此处.