0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

spacebear v0.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago


A framework for web applications inspired from React and Om, optimized for the Earl Grey language.

The project is in its infancy and is not yet fully working (but a decent chunk of the core is done).

In a nutshell, a Spacebear application will function like this:

  1. Generate initial application state
  2. Generate UI through render functions that track what they read
  3. Modify the app state through transact functions that track what they write in order to create a "patch"
  4. Spacebear automatically decides what to re-render by comparing reads to writes

In other words, Spacebear is a framework which, given a state s, a rendering function f, and a patch p to the state s, knows how to derive a patch on f(s). In doing so, it minimizes the amount of work done, whether that be DOM manipulation or computation itself.

Needless to say, rendering functions must be pure, devoid of side effects and must never access any object that may change outside of Spacebear's strict supervision.


This is how I envision a simple todo application will look like (this is written in the Earl Grey language):

   spacebear -> (reactive, transact)

   spacebear -> (System, %)

reactive render-todo(todo) =
   li % todo.description

reactive render-form(entries, todo) =
   form %
      input %
         value = todo.description
         on-change(e) =
            transact: todo.description = e.target.value
      button % 'Add #{entries.length}'
      on-submit() =
            entries.push with {done = false, description = todo.description}
            todo.description = ""

reactive render-todos(todos) =
   div %
      ul % todos.entries each todo -> render-todo(todo)
      render-form(todos.entries, todos.current)

init = {entries = {}, current = {done = false, description = ""}}
System(init, render-todos).render-to(document.get-element-by-id("target"))