0.2.6 • Published 9 years ago

spark-omen v0.2.6

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Last release
9 years ago

Omen | Spark

Build Status

Dependency manager for OpenEdge applications.

Stable Version: 0.2.5

Unstable Version: - (0.3.0)

Legacy Version: 0.1.5


Omen is a Dependency manager for OpenEdge applications. Based on the configuration attached to it, Omen can work with either public or private dependency repositories.

To use a private Omen Repository, have a look at Omen Repo.

What does Omen want to achieve?

Omen was designed as a solution to help developers install and manage packages/components inside an OpenEdge project. Reusing components that have been proven to work will help the development teams achieve the desired result faster and with less bugs. Also, if bugs are found in one of the packages, the maintainer can be notified and the bug fixed not for just one project, but for every project that uses it.

Windows Development

If development is being done on an Windows Machine, please adjust the windows.start.sample file and bin/omen.sample. Rename them to have cmd extension and then run them.


To install Omen just simply type into a console:

npm -g install spark-omen

Omen will be installed globally, such that whenever you need it, you can use it.


The following commands are available to the end user:

omen about

Displays information about the current package.


omen about

omen adduser

Authenticates the given user or creates a new one based on the given information.


omen adduser

omen appserver

Creates the appserver configuration for the current project. It will ask the user to fill a port and an operating mode (Stateless, state-free, state-reset, state-aware)


omen appserver (create|template)


  • template
    • description: Generates the appserver folder and appserver ubroker.properties configuration.
    • mandatory: Yes
  • create

    • description: Generates the appserver folder, appserver ubroker.properties configuration and tries to update the ubroker.properties file.
    • mandatory: Yes

omen check

Checks the current project.json to be valid.


omen check [<type>]


  • <type>
    • description: Specifies the type of check to be done.
    • mandatory: No
    • default value: information
    • posible values:
      • information - Validates the project.json information.
      • dependencies - Checks the dependencies against the repository.
      • all - Checks both the filled information and the dependencies.

omen create

Creates a new project with the given name


omen create <project-name> [--eclipse]


  • <project-name>
    • description: Specifies the name of the project.
    • mandatory: Yes
    • default value: none


  • --eclipse/-e
    • description: Triggers the eclipse components creation.
    • mandatory: No

omen eclipse

Initializes or updates eclipse components for the current project


omen eclipse (init | update)


  • init description: Initializes the eclipse project components for the project, such that it could be imported into Developer Studio. mandatory: Yes
  • update description: Updates the eclipse project components for the project, such that it could be imported into Developer Studio. mandatory: Yes

omen extend

Downloads an existing project


omen extend <project-name>


  • <project-name>

    • description: Specifies the name of the project.
    • mandatory: Yes

omen init

Init a project.json file in an existing location.


omen init <project-name> [--eclipse]


  • <project-name>
    • description: Specifies the name of the project.
    • mandatory: Yes
    • default value: none


  • --eclipse/-e
    • description: Triggers the eclipse components creation.
    • mandatory: No

omen install

Installs the dependencies defined in the project.json file. If a package is specified then it will install the given package alongside the existing ones.


omen install [(--save) <package-name> <package-name> ...]


  • <package-name> description: Specifies the name of the package to be installed. Can be repeated. mandatory: No * default value: none


  • --save/-s
    • description: Stores the new packages into the project.json file.
    • mandatory: No

omen pack

Packs the current project into a tar.gz archive.


omen pack

omen propath

Builds a correct PROPATH string to be used either in a .p file or in appserver configuration.


omen propath [<type>]


  • <type>
    • description: Specifies the type of result to be displayed.
    • mandatory: No
    • default value: full
    • posible values:
      • shell - Builds the PROPATH string to be used in a SHELL script.
      • appserver - Builds the PROPATH string to be used in an AppServer configuration.
      • full - Builds the PROPATH string to be used in a .p file.

omen publish

Publishes the current project to the defined repository.


omen publish

omen template

Generates a file based on the given template. If no template is given then it uses a default sample template. To see all the available templates use the "list" argument.


omen template [list | <template-name>]


  • list
    • description: Display a list with all the available templates.
    • mandatory: No
  • <template-name>

    • description: The name of the template to be generated.
    • mandatory: No
    • default value: sample

omen unpublish

Generates a file based on the given template. If no template is given then it uses a default sample template. To see all the available templates use the "list" argument.


omen unpublish (project | version [<version-name>])


  • project
    • description: Unpublish the current project from the repository.
    • mandatory: Yes
  • version
    • description: Unpublish the version from the repository.
    • mandatory: Yes
    • options:
      • <version-name>
      • description: The version to unpublish
      • mandatory: No
      • default-value: The version specified in the project.json file

omen update

Updates the installed dependencies based on the project.json and omen.lock files. Works only if the omen.lock file has been created (dependencies were installed).


omen update

omen version

Displays information about the version of Omen.


omen version