0.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

spck-embed v0.2.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Spck Editor is an embeddable online code editor, optimized for the web and building web projects. This library builds is a wrapper around the iframe messaging interface provided by the editor and allows you to control the editor for your needs.

Use cases for this library include:

  • Embedding editable demos in your website
  • Creating edtor tools (i.e. minifiers, beautifiers, formatters, source-mapping, etc.)
  • Creating interactive tutorials

If you like this project please leave a star. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Getting Started

You have two options to install the library:

1. Install with bower:

bower install spck-embed

2. Install with npm:

npm install spck-embed

3. Load the library directly from the web:

<script src="https://embed.spck.io/embed/spck-embed.min.js"></script>


1. Create an iframe element:

<!--Vanilla editor, no files, no preview-->
<iframe id="editor" src="https://embed.spck.io/" frameBorder="0" width="600" height="360"></iframe>
<!--Load library-->
<script src="https://embed.spck.io/embed/spck-embed.min.js"></script>
<!--With files, but no preview-->
<iframe id="editor" src="https://embed.spck.io/?files=1" frameBorder="0" width="600" height="360"></iframe>
<!--Load library-->
<script src="https://embed.spck.io/embed/spck-embed.min.js"></script>
<!--With files, and preview-->
<iframe id="editor" src="https://embed.spck.io/?files=1&preview=1" frameBorder="0" width="600" height="360"></iframe>
<!--Load library-->
<script src="https://embed.spck.io/embed/spck-embed.min.js"></script>

2. Connect. You have the following options:

Browser Global

// Connect by passing an HTML id to the iframe
var editor = new SpckEditor('#editor');
// Or by passing an HTML element
var editor = new SpckEditor(document.getElementById('editor'));
// Or with any query selector
var editor = new SpckEditor(document.getElementById('iframe'));

// Connect and handle with a callback
editor.connect(function (connected) {
  // Number of tries it took to connect

    project: 'Simple Project',  // Project name
    open: 'index.js',  // Open file
    files: [  // Create following files
      {path: 'index.js', text: 'console.log("entry point")'}
  }, function () {
    // Success
  }, function () {
    // Failure
}, function () {
  // Handle connection failure
  console.log('connection failed')
}, {
  maxTries: 20,  // Maximum number of attempts to wait for iframe to load
  interval: 500  // Interval between attempts

// Or handle with a promise
  .then(() => {
    // Control the editor
    return editor.send({
      project: 'Simple Project',  // Project name
      open: 'index.js',  // Open file
      files: [  // Create following files
        {path: 'index.js', text: 'console.log("entry point")'}
  .catch(() => console.log('failure'))

// Or handle using async/await
await editor.connect()
// Control the editor
await editor.send({
  project: 'Simple Project',  // Project name
  open: 'index.js',  // Open file
  files: [  // Create following files
    {path: 'index.js', text: 'console.log("entry point")'}


define(['SpckEditor'] , function (SpckEditor) {
  var editor = new SpckEditor('#editor');
  // Do stuff with editor here


var SpckEditor = require('SpckEditor');
var editor = new SpckEditor('#editor');
// Do stuff with editor here

ES2015 Modules (after npm install)

import {SpckEditor} from 'spck-embed';

var editor = new SpckEditor('#editor');
// Do stuff with editor here

API Reference


Certain cosmetic features can be set by the iframe's src url by using query parameters.

URL ParameterOptionalDescription
filesYesIf present, will display a side menu for file management.
previewYesIf present, will display a Run button for previewing code output.
themeYesChanges the editor theme. Options: chrome, xcode, ayu-light, dracula, monokai, ayu-mirage.
projectYesThe name of the project to create.


<iframe src="https://embed.spck.io/?files=1&preview=1&theme=dracula"></iframe>


new SpckEditor(element, origin)
elementNoEither a CSS selector string or the iframe HTMLElement to connect to.
originYesString to specify another domain origin for the editor. (Defaults to https://embed.spck.io)



connect(opts: {
  maxTries: Number,
  interval: Number
}): Promise
opts.maxTriesYesMaximum attempts to establish connection with iframe. (default: 20)
opts.intervalYesTime to wait between attempts to connect. (default: 500ms)


send(msg: {
  project: String,
  clearProjects: Boolean | [String]
  files: [{path: String, text: String?, url: String?}],
  appendFiles: Boolean,
  open: String,
  editor: {
    mode: String,
    text: String,
    fontSize: String,
    tabSize: Number,
    position: {row: Number, column: Number},
    gutter: Boolean
}): Promise
msg.projectYesSpecifies the project name, projects are namespaced by domain. The same project name from different domains will not overwrite each other.
msg.clearProjectsYesIf true, clear all projects in the domain; or if an array of project names, then delete the list of projects.
msg.filesYesList of files to create in the project, if url is specified instead of text, the contents will be fetched instead.
msg.appendFilesYesKeep existing project files, append/overwrite the files.
msg.openYesOpens this file in the project.
msg.editorYesConfigures the editor window directly.


  files: [
      path: 'src/index.html',
      text: '...'
    }, {
      path: 'src/index.js',
      text: '...'
  // Keep existing files in the project, append/overwrite new files
  appendFiles: false,
  // Open this file
  open: 'index.js',
  // Create a project
  project: 'ProjectA',
  editor: {
    // Sets the language mode
    mode: 'javascript' // 'typescript, javascript, css, less, scss, html, etc.',
    // Sets the editor current text
    text: '...',
    // Sets the editor font size
    fontSize: '12px',
    // Sets the editor tab size
    tabSize: 2,
    // Show line numbers or not
    gutter: true


editor.on(handlers: {
  textChange: Function,
  positionChange: Function,
  selectionChange: Function,
  fileOpen: Function,
  projectOpen: Function,
  projectClose: Function,
  blur: Function,
  focus: Function
handlers.textChangeYesDetect whenever the editor text is changed.
handlers.positionChangeYesDetect when the cursor position is changed.
handlers.selectionChangeYesDetect when the text selection is changed.
handlers.fileOpenYesDetect when a new file is opened.
handlers.projectOpenYesDetect when a project is opened.
handlers.projectCloseYesDetect when a project is closed.
handlers.blurYesDetect when editor blurs focus.
handlers.focusYesDetect when editor focuses.


getMode(): Promise<String>


getPosition(): Promise<{row: Number, coluumn: Number}>


getTabSize(): Promise<Number>


getText(): Promise<String>


getTheme(): Promise<String>

4 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago