1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

spelledright v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Coverage Status Bitdeli Badge


This project is a js library used to facilitate spell checks on XML, HTML pages in English. It wraps around cfinke/Typo.js. You can directly take the spelledright.js file and add it to your project.

The Mechanism

The way it works is by:

  • 1) Parsing all children under a specified XML Node.
  • 2) Gathering all elements innertext
  • 3) Going throws the gat hered innertext and (logically) breaking it up into words
  • 4) Performing a spelling check on each word according to the desired options config

Example Usage

// 1) Load a page using a UI test driver ex.
// selenium-webdriver (https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-webdriver)
let driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
driver.get(URL).then(() => {
  // 2) Get the target node to perform checks on the target children
  return driver.executeScript(`
    return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
}).then(node => {
  // 3) Return the inner HTML (Library initialization as string node is supported)
  return node.getInnerHtml();
}).then(inner => {
  // 4) Use the library with your asserts, or logs
  let spelledright = new SpelledRight(inner, {
    ignoreCase: false,
    ignoreComments: true,
    whitelist: [/^[A-Z]+$/ /* All caps letters */]
  console.log('Misspellings are: ' +
  return driver.quit();

Note See the spec files for concrete examples.

Additional Usage

To run this project locally, or contribute:

  • 1) npm install Make sure everything is installed.
  • 2)grunt babel Convert es6 files to the js counterparts.
  • 3) npm run-script unittest && npm run-script perftest Make sure tests are working.
  • 4) grunt watch Anytime before developing. Note: The project is linted extend from google.
  • 5) Develop!
  • 6) Don't forget to add tests and test it out! Let's aim to keep coverage >= 93% Performance benchmarks should be roughly:
    • SIMPLE_PAGE_BENCHMARK: 752.908ms
  • 7) npm build To ensure everything is in working order.
  • 8) Now we're talking, make a PR upstream.