spiralquery v1.1.7
Write less, do the same. A lightweight, modern and "useful" utility framework, made as a 'replacement' for JQuery. As always, everything you can do with SpiralQuery is possible to do with ECMAScript 6+, but with SpiralQuery you write less, and do the same.
Simply install the NPM package using:
yarn add spiralquery
npm install spiralquery
pnpm install spiralquery
Then, import it on your JS file using:
import 'spiralquery' // You do not have to import $() or timeout() functions, they put themselves on the window object.
Or, use the CDN version, with <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.skypack.dev/spiralquery">
This project does not compile, it's just a JS file. To pack it so you can use it as a package, you can do:
yarn pack
npm pack
pnpm pack
To publish it as a package, change the project name under package.json (otherwise you won't be able to publish it), and do:
yarn publish
npm publish
pnpm publish