2.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

sportal3 v2.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


Project dependecies:

node, npm, gulp

All three packages should be installed only once for all projects!

verify installation with commands:

node -v (prefered version 8.XX.XX)


npm -v (prefered version 5.XX.XX)
  • global gulp installation (UNIX-like systems require sudo) - after node (and npm) installation:
(sudo) npm install -g gulp (prefered version 3.XX.XX. Command for specific version is npm install -g gulp@X.XX)

* gulp installation UNIX-like systems require sudo) - after node (and npm) installation and global gulp installation:

(sudo) npm install gulp (prefered version 3.XX.XX. Command for specific version is npm install -g gulp@X.XX )


For all project dependant modules we use npm (node package manager)

You can install all required modules with command:

npm install

When you want to include new module in project for development purposes it's good to add --save-dev on this command, and for application modules --save. That's a good practice - not necessary.

Client build

For the first client build you should choose one of the predefined clients, to copy some of project needed files that are not included in project repository (color scheme, logo...). Evert other time command workd without [--override] option!!!

Client XXX build command for development environment - app:

gulp work:make ( --override XXX )

(Otherwise default environment is prepared, configured in app/app-config.js file with possible changes in app/customize/develop/client-config.js - which is not in repository and should be manually added if wanted!)

For distribution - dist build of the same client we use similar command:

gulp dist:make --override XXX

Sass compiler

Whole css on the project is build through sass files, and every change manually made on css files will be wiped out, like there were none, so you should avoid this.

Command for compiler is:

gulp sass:watch

The same effect is achieved with starting node http-server.

Npm http-server - application start

For project application start we use http-server. It is not necessary to start any other server to work on project. Start command is:

npm start ( -- --port [PORT_NO] )

where PORT_NO is port number on which application is run, and default is 8080. Double '--' are needed by npm so it can figure out that gulp argument are ahead. Npm is only gulp task wrapper.

After that project is started on: http://localhost:8080/app/, and localhost can be switched with you local ip address if desired port is opened in your system firewall.

In the back this server starts sass compiler, javascript, http, and json watchers, so every error should be logged in console

Clients modifications

Every client is build with changes include in custom folder for that client. Default client is in app/customize/develop folder, but if there is no one (it is not included in repository) you can create one. Otherwise global configuration is used. If you want to add new client all customizable files are stored in app/customize/XXX folder (you can check other client folders to see list of needed files).


_maps_ folders should be ignored by human user - they store a .css.map files created by sass compiler.

app/                    --> all application files
    assets/             --> files needed for look and feel
        fonts/          --> fonts
        customize/      --> current client modifications
        img/            --> images
    content/            --> all app pages
    css/                --> default css files
    sass/               --> the main sass files and functions
    shared/             --> shared files by all sites
    sites/              --> all sites content
        siteXXX/        --> content for siteXXX
            content/    --> all files that should be changed by human
            styles/     --> css files - manual change will be wiped off on build
    customize/          --> files and folders with all custom clients information

dist/                   --> dist app structure for desired client (it is removed on client development preparation)

tmp/                    --> temporary dist build files (removed after successful dist build)