spree-ember-core v0.0.1-beta.1
Spree Ember Core
Spree Ember Core is the core dependency of all other Spree Ember addons. It
provides the spree
service, which has a seperate store
to the host
This store uses a custom serializer
and adapter
that are
designed to work tightly with the Spree rails
engine, via Spree AMS.
Note: This Package is included with spree-ember-storefront
. If you're
using that, there's no need to install this seperately.
This addon also adds the following models to the global namespace:
- Address
- Address
- Country
- Image
- Line Item
- Order
- Payment Method
- Payment
- Product Propert
- Product
- Shipment
- Shipping Category
- Shipping Method
- Shipping Rate
- Source
- State
- Stock Location
- Taxon
- Taxonomy
- User
- Variant
- Zone
Finally, this addon handles the UI State Persistance using browser local storage.
ember install spree-ember-core
For full Spree Ember documentation, visit http://www.spree-ember.com/.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.
Spree Ember
If you're just getting started, it's recommended that you checkout the
addon instead. It's the quickest way to get up and
running with Spree Ember.
10 years ago