0.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

sprinthive-logster v0.0.3

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Last release
6 years ago


The intention of this package is to be used internally at SprintHive, to send log messages to a fluentd deamon over TCP.

This project makes it easy to send extra meta data along with every log message.

Basic Usage

By default sprinthive-logster only prints out to the console.

mkdir logster-usage-test
cd logster-usage-test
npm i sprinthive-logster

# create index.js file with the following contents
const logster = require("sprinthive-logster");
const log = logster();
log.debug("Hellow world!");

# run the app       
node basic.js 
# this will output
> debug: Hello world!

To enable the sending of logs to a TCP socket and sending extra metadata, try the following:

# create testTcp.js file with the following contents
const logster = require("sprinthive-logster");
const log = logster({tcpEnabled: true, meta: {appName: "UsageTest"}});

log.debug("Hello world!");

To run it open one terminal and use net cat to receive the tcp data.

nc -l 5710

Then run the testTcp.js

node testTcp.js   

# The log message Hello World! is sent to the console and the TCP socket.
# On the console you will see
debug: Hello world! appName=UsageTest

# In the net cat console you should see
{"appName":"UsageTest","level":"debug","message":"Hello world!","label":"winston"}