1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
sprite-svg-symbol v1.1.0
Sprite SVG Symbol
Function based on svg-sprite which read all svg files of a directory and generate a sprite composed of symbols ready to be injected in a HTML file.
yarn add sprite-svg-symbol
# or with npm
npm install --save sprite-svg-symbol
dirPath: string
Path of the directory containing svg files to include in sprite
rootAttributes: object
Attributes to add on svg element contaning symbols. It can be usefull if you need to add some aria attributes for accessibility.
const path = require('path');
const { generateSprite } = require('sprite-svg-symbol');
const iconsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'icons');
const attributes = { 'aria-hidden': true }
spriteSymbol.generateSprite(iconsPath, attributes)
.then(sprite => {
console.log(sprite); // <svg aria-hidden="true" width="0" height="0" style="position:absolute"><symbol ...