0.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

sql-gen v0.1.1

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8 years ago


A SQL query builder, inspired by SQLAlchemy.


npm install sql-gen


We can define tables using sql.table() and sql.column():

import sql from "sql-gen";

const Author = sql.table("author", {
    id: sql.column({name: "id", type: sql.types.int, primaryKey: true}),
    name: sql.column({name: "name", type: sql.types.string})
const Book = sql.table("book", {
    id: sql.column({name: "id", type: sql.types.int, primaryKey: true}),
    authorId: sql.column({name: "author_id", type: sql.types.int}),
    title: sql.column({name: "title", type: sql.types.string}),
    genre: sql.column({name: "genre", type: sql.types.string})

We can then define a query:

const query = sql.from(Book)
    .join(Author, sql.eq(Book.c.authorId, Author.c.id))
    .where(sql.eq(Book.c.genre, "comedy"))
    .select(Author.c.name, Book.c.title);

We can use compile() to turn a query into a string and parameters, ready to pass into a database connection:

//  {
//      "text": "SELECT author.name, book.title FROM book JOIN author ON book.author_id = author.id WHERE book.genre = ?",
//      "params": ["comedy"]
//  }

If using node-sqlite3:

const {text, params} = sql.compile(query);
const database = new sqlite3.Database("path/to/database");
database.all(text, ...params, (error, rows) => {
    if (error) {
    } else {


table(name, columns)

Represent a table in a database. Takes the following arguments:

  • name: the name of the table in the database.

  • columns: the columns in the table. The keys should be the name by which you want to refer to the columns. The values should be the result of calling column().

Returns an instance of Table, which has the following properties:

  • c: the columns of the table, which can then be used in generating queries. For instance:

    const Author = table("author", {
        id: sql.column({name: "id", type: sql.types.int, primaryKey: true}),
        name: sql.column({name: "name", type: sql.types.string})
  • as(alias): create a from clause for this table with an alternate name, as specified by alias. For instance:

    const Author = table("author", {
        id: sql.column({name: "id", type: sql.types.int, primaryKey: true}),
        name: sql.column({name: "name", type: sql.types.string})
    const authorAlias = Author.as("favourite_author");
    sql.from(authorAlias).select(authorAlias.c.name).where(sql.eq(authorAlias.c.id, 42))
  • primaryKey: if the table has no columns defined as a primary key, this is null. Otherwise, this is an object with a columns property, which is an array of all of the columns in the primary key.


Represent a column in a table.

Options should be an object with the following properties:

  • name: the name of the column in the database.

  • type: the type of the column. Use a value from types.

  • primaryKey (optional): set to true to mark this column as part of the table's primary key. Defaults to false.

  • nullable (optional): set to false to mark this column as NOT NULL. Defaults to true.


  • types.int: SQL integer type.
  • types.string: SQL string type.


Create an instance of Query using selectable as the primary from clause.


Query is used to generate SQL queries. It has the following properties:

  • join(selectable, condition): creates a JOIN clause onto the given selectable.

  • select(...columns): specify the columns to select.

  • distinct(): add a DISTINCT qualifier to this query.

  • where(condition): add a WHERE clause. If there's already a WHERE clause, condition is added using AND. condition should be a SQL expression.

  • subquery(): turn this query into a subquery that can then be selected from, similarly to a table.


Represents a CREATE TABLE statement. Use compile() to compile it.


Turn a query or statement into a query that can be executed. Returns an object with two properties:

  • text: the text of the query
  • params: any parameters that have been generated during compilation of the query

8 years ago


8 years ago