1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

sqlazo v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


This package is used to make a database in sqlite3 much easier

If you know sqlite3 and you want to simplify some functions this package also works, below it is explained how to directly access the sqlite3 database

Change Log

Version: 1.0.0

Version: 0.6.0

  • Added the Table class with its 6 functions

  • Now the function createTable() will return an Table class

  • New functions moveData() and getTables()

  • The system was modified to handle errors more efficiently

  • The function insertData() now the data entered can be an array

  • Now it is imported differently

  • The package was translated into English (with google translator)

Version: 0.4.0

  • Changelog added

  • New function existsTable()

  • Now the conditions can be more than one

  • Fixed some errors

  • More examples were added

  • New way of handling errors

Example of use

const { Database, Table } = require ("SQLazo");
const db = new Database("./Base.db");

A file will be created next to the one containing this line, creating the file "base.db"
You can put the route you want, like "../folder1/dbs/base.db". Always with the ending ".db"

var table = db.createTable("economy", {id: "123215123", coins: 7000})

var data = table.getData({id: "123215123"});
if(data.length !== 0){
	if (data[0].coins < 10000) {
    	table.updateData({id: "123215123"}, {id: "123215123", coins: data[0].coins + 500});
    	console.log (`${data[0].id} reached 10,000 coins`);
	table.insertData({id: "123215123", coins: 7000});

Below are more examples of use


  • Database(path)

    Path: is the path to the file with the db, example: ../folder1/dbs/base.db

  • Table(name, Database)

    Name: is the name of the table

    Database: has to be a Database class

    Notes: the table has to be created, this does not create it


All functions, except some that are indicated, return true if everything went well andfalse if there was an error

  • Functions of the Database class

    • createTable(tableName, sample)
      Returns: returns false if there was an error and if not, returns a Table class

    • deleteTable(tableName)

    • getTables()
      Returns: returns false if there was an error and if not, returns an array with all the Table in the database

    • moveData(oldTable, newTable)
      Notes: used to move data between tables, but the columns have to have the same names (in the case of {id:" 123215123 ", coins: 7000} the columns are id andcoins), and the new column/s will remain with value null


      table: would be the name of the table, for example: "economy" (oldTable and newTable are also a table)

      sample: an object with the data of "sample", for example {id:" 123215123 ", coins: 7000}

      This is due to the structure of the sqlite databases, this "sample" serves to define that structure once the table is created, because then you cannot insert a number where you put a string.

      If you try to insert {id: 123215123, coins: true} after creating the table with the sample {id: "123215123", coins: 7000} the id pass it to string and that true convert it to a 1 as if they had inserted {id: "123215123", coins: 1}

    • insertData(table, data)

    • getData(table, condition)
      Returns: returns false if there was an error and if not, returns an array like this:

      [{id: '123215123', money: 6020}, {id: '484321883', money: 6020}]
    • updateData(table, condition, data)

    • insert0UpdateData(table, condition, data)
      Notes: if the data already exists (they comply with the condition) it updates it by the new ones, and if they do not exist, it inserts them.

    • deleteData(table, condition)


      table: name of the table on which it will work

      data: an object or array with the data to be put, for example {id:" 123215123 ", coins: 7000} or [{id: "123215123", coins: 7000}, {id:" 113476821 " , coins: 8000}] the array can only be used when data is inserted, not when updating

      condition: an object (or boolean) that tells the program what to search the database, for example: {id: "123215123"}. It will be searched in the database all "rows" where this "condition" is met, that the id is "123215123". Another example: {id: "123215123", coins: 7000} The condition would be for the id to be "123215123" and it have 7000 coins

      Notes: if you set the condition as true: getData(table, true) in any of the functions with condition it will delete/obtain/edit, all data in the table (except the getData() function) (the insert0UpdateData function will only do it when it is updating)

  • Functions of the Table class

    • insertData(data)

    • getData(condition)
      Returns: returns false if there was an error and if not, returns an array like this:

      [{id: '123215123', money: 6020}, {id: '484321883', money: 6020}]
    • updateData(condition, data)

    • insert0UpdateData (condition, data)
      false if it insert andtrue if it update

      Notes: if the data already exists (they comply with the condition) it updates them by the new ones, and if they do not exist, it inserts them

    • deleteData(condition)

    • delete()


      data: an object or array with the data to be put, for example {id:" 123215123 ", coins: 7000} or [{id: "123215123", coins: 7000}, {id:" 113476821 " , coins: 8000}] the array can only be used when data is inserted, not when updating

      condition: an object (or boolean) that tells the program what to search the database, for example: {id: "123215123"}. It will be searched in the database all "rows" where this "condition" is met, that the id is "123215123". Another example: {id: "123215123", coins: 7000} The condition would be for the id to be "123215123" and it have 7000 coins

      Notes: if you set the condition as true: getData(table, true) in any of the functions with condition it will delete/obtain/edit, all data in the table (except the getData() function) (the insert0UpdateData function will only do it when it is updating)

Other examples of use

Here is an example of cooldown quite useful, to an api, for example

const { Database } = require("SQLazo");
const db = new Database("./Base.db");

db.createTable("cooldown", { ip: "string", ends: (Date.now() + 10000) });

function hasCooldown(ipObject) {
    var data = db.getData("cooldown", ipObject);
    if(data.length !== 0){
        if(data[0].ends > Date.now()){
            return true; //has cooldown
			db.deleteData("cooldown", {ip: ipObject.ip})
            return false; //doesn't have cooldown
        return false; //doesn't have cooldown

var ipsSamples = [
    {ip: ""},
    {ip: ""},
    {ip: ""}

var index = 0;
setInterval(async () => {
		console.log(`1 ${ipsSamples[index].ip} has cooldown`);
        console.log(`2 ${ipsSamples[index].ip} hasn't cooldown`);

        db.insertData("cooldown", {ip: ipsSamples[index].ip, ends: (Date.now() + 10000)})

        console.log(`3 now ${ipsSamples[index].ip} has cooldown`);
        setTimeout(() => {
            db.deleteData("cooldown", {ip: ipsSamples[index].ip});
        }, Math.random() * 15000);


    (index === (ipsSamples.length - 1))?index = 0:index++;
}, Math.random() * 5000)

Another example:

const { Database, Table } = require("SQLazo");
const db = new Database("./Base.db");

db.createTable("economy", {id: "some string", coins: 1});


var table = new Table("economy", db);

var array = [
    {id: "12325123", coins: 7000}, 
    {id: "14788436", coins: 7000}, 
	{id: "75183149", coins: 7000}

array.map(info => {



And here something for those who already know sqlite3 or for some other reason, if you want to directly access the db of sqlite use db.db
Here is an example:

const { Database } = require("SQLazo");
const db = new Database("./Base.db");

console.log(db.db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM economy`).all());

4 years ago