1.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

ssl-key-csr-validator v1.1.0

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2 years ago

Check that SSL (X509) certificate matches it's private key and csr key

This tiny utility uses Open SSL to verify that:

  • input string or file is a valid PEM-encoded X509 certificate
  • input string or file is a valid PEM-encoded RSA private key
  • input string or file is a valid PEM-encoded REQ CSR key
  • PEM-encoded X509 certificate matches PEM-encoded private RSA key
  • PEM-encoded X509 certificate matches PEM-encoded CSR RQ key
  • RSA private key is not encrypted with DES3 (does not require passphrase)


To match certificate and private key, use below code example.

var ssl = require('ssl-key-csr-validator');

var certPem = fs.readFileSync('my-certificate.pem');
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync('my-key.pem');

ssl.match(certPem, keyPem, function(err, matches) {
  if (err)
    return console.error('Something\'s wrong: cert invalid, key invalid, key encrypted or else');
  if (matches)
    console.log('Yay, it matches.');
    console.log('You\'ve picked the wrong key, bro.');

// or read directly from files (feeding them to openssl):

ssl.matchFiles('my-certificate.pem', 'my-key.pem', function(err, matches) {
  // ...

To match certificate and csr key, use below code example.

var ssl = require('ssl-key-csr-validator');

var certPem = fs.readFileSync('my-certificate.pem');
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync('my-key.pem');

ssl.matchCsr(certPem, csrPem, function(err, matches) {
  if (err)
    return console.error('Something\'s wrong: cert invalid, csr invalid, key encrypted or else');
  if (matches)
    console.log('Yay, it matches.');
    console.log('You\'ve picked the wrong key, bro.');

// or read directly from files (feeding them to openssl):

ssl.matchCsrFiles('my-certificate.pem', 'my-csr.pem', function(err, matches) {
  // ...