3.0.0 • Published 2 years ago
ssm-parameter-store v3.0.0
λ✨Ergonomic SSM Parameter Store wrapper for AWS Lambda designed with ease-of-use in mind, with built-in caching and idempotent preloading, TypeScript compile time checks, and handy autocompletion.
npm install --save ssm-parameter-store
- Now uses AWS SDK v3 and supports the Node.js 18.x runtime on AWS Lambda. If you need to use AWS SDK v2, use the
release of this package.
- Take an SSM parameter store instance as a constructor parameter instead of initializing it within the package.
const { SSMClient } = require('@aws-sdk/client-ssm');
const SSMParameterStore = require('ssm-parameter-store');
const parameters = new SSMParameterStore(new SSMClient(), {
SomeParameter: 'some_parameter',
SomeNestedParameter: '/some/nested/parameter',
NonExistentParameter: 'this_parameter_doesnt_exist_on_ssm'
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
await parameters.preload();
// Fetch and cache all the parameter values from SSM.
// The cache persists across warm start Lambda invocations, so subsequent
// calls to preload will resolve instantly, making it safe to call every time
// in the Lambda handler.
await parameters.getAll();
// Returns all the parameters as an object. Since we already fetched and cached
// the values when we called `preload` this resolves instantly. If `preload` wasn't
// called then we fetch the parameter values from SSM and cache them before returning
// them as an object. Parameters that don't exist on SSM have empty strings as their values.
// {
// SomeParameter: '1',
// SomeNestedParameter: 'Hello, World!',
// NonExistentParameter: ''
// }
await parameters.preload({ ignoreCache: true });
// Clear the cache and preload everything again from SSM
await parameters.get('SomeParameter'));
// Get a specific parameter value from SSM and return it
// Caches it in case it hasn't been cached before.
// If the parameter doesn't exist on SSM it returns an empty string.
await parameters.get('SomeParameter', { ignoreCache: true });
// Fetches this parameter value from SSM again and returns it ignoring any cached values.
// The newly fetched value is cached before returning.
// If the parameter doesn't exist on SSM it returns an empty string.
await parameters.get('UndeclaredParameter');
// Throws an error because this wasn't declared in the object passed to the
// `new SSMParameterStore()` constructor.
// If you're using TypeScript you'll also get a compile time error