1.1.4 • Published 3 years ago

stacks-schematics v1.1.4

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3 years ago

Stacks Schematics

This library is only useful when you use NX monorepo.

It is also tailored for my specific needs. Although I can imagine it can be useful for someone else. Therefor I've published it on npm.

At the moment of release it only contains a useful schema when you use ngrx in the nx monorepo.

The Stacks Schematics contain:

  • new-store


the new-store schema an addition on creating a new store with ngrx. It wil create CRUD ready ngrx store files.

How to use

First create a new library for your new feature store. Use the feature name in plural form, for example product becomes products So let us use products as example:

ng g @nrwl/angular:lib data-access/product

then create the ngrx feature store:

ng g @nrwl/angular:ngrx products --module=libs/data-access/products/src/lib/products.module.ts --directory +state/products --facade

We then replace the files that are created with CRUD-ready files with the following command, here it is important to not use the plural form of the feature. So instead of products we use product for the name:

ng g stacks-schematics:new-store --name=product --project=data-access-products --force

It now will create the following files:

├── +state/
    ├── products.actions.ts
    ├── products.effects.ts
    ├── products.facade.ts
    ├── products.models.ts
    ├── products.reducer.ts
    ├── products.selectors.ts
├── shared/
    ├── products.service.ts

It is good to note that the service that is created looks as follows:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ProductDto } from '@stacks/shared/stacks-dto';
import {BaseApiService} from '@stacks/app/app-base';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class ProductService extends BaseApiService<ProductDto>{
  constructor(public http: HttpClient) {
    super(http, '/api/product');

This is because it is created for my specific needs. It will create nice files which speed up the creation of a new store. But if you want to use this, this will mean that you need to edit the files to your needs.


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago