0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

standard-dialogs v0.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago

Standard Dialogs

A Library that uses the Angular Material Framework for providing standard dialog implementations


You can install Standard Dialogs through npm

npm install --save @lloydaf/standard-dialogs


After installing the package, make sure you import the module in the module you want to use this in.

For example, in app.module.ts,

import { StandardDialogsModule } from "@lloydaf/standard-dialogs";
  imports: [StandardDialogsModule],
export class  AppModule{}


Currently provides three Dialog Implementations. 1. Alert Prompt: This Dialog is used to alert the user or provide a message to the user. Can be used through AlertPromptService(see open() method). 2. Confirm Prompt: This Dialog is used to get a confirmation action from the user. Can be used through ConfirmPromptService(see open() method). 3. Custom Prompt: This Dialog is used to provide a custom functionality not implemented through the standard Dialogs. Can be used through CustomPromptService(see open()) method.

Using Dialogs

    private confirmService: ConfirmPromptService 
    // inject as you normally inject a service
    this.confirmService.setContent('Are you sure you want to remove this category?');
    this.confirmService.setTitle('Remove Category');


Currently provides three Button Implementations 1. Yes Button: This Button returns true when clicked, default text "Yes". 2. No Button: This Button returns false when clicked, default text "No". 3. Custom Button: This Button is used to provide a custom Button functionality not implemented through the standard Buttons. Needs to be built using ButtonBuilder.

Using Buttons

let yesButton = new YesButton();
let customButton = new ButtonBuilder().text('Hi').val('Bye').build();