0.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

starflow-github v0.1.1

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8 years ago

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In order to use this plugin, your project must have starflow as a dependency.


$ npm install --save-dev starflow-github


Using a workflow:

var starflow = require('starflow');

var steps = [
  {'github.getProject': ['user-name', 'project-name']}

var workflow = new starflow.Workflow(steps);
return workflow

In an executable:

module.exports = function (starflow) {
  var getProjectFactory = require('starflow-github')(starflow).factories.getProject;

  function MyExecutable() {
    starflow.BaseExecutable.call(this, 'myPlugin.myExecutable');
  MyExecutable.prototype = Object.create(starflow.BaseExecutable.prototype);
  MyExecutable.prototype.constructor = MyExecutable;

  MyExecutable.prototype.exec = function exec() {
    var getProjectExecutable = this.createExecutable(getProjectFactory);
    return new starflow.Task(getProjectExecutable, ['user-name', 'project-name'])
      .then(function () {
        var projectResponse = this.storage.get('github.getProject/project');
        starflow.logger.log('Got the following Github project: ' + projectResponse);

  return function () {
    return new MyExecutable();


Thereafter is the list of all the executable classes provided by this plugin.

Important The titles indicate the name that can be used when writing the steps of a workflow.


Given an user/organization name and a project name, gets all the data about the project.


// for a workflow
var steps = [
  {'github.getProject': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github']}

// in an executable
var getProjectFactory = require('starflow-github')(starflow).factories.getProject;
var getProjectExecutable = this.createExecutable(getProjectFactory);

var myTask = new starflow.Task(getProjectExecutable, ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github']);


Given an user/organization name, a project name, source and target branches, and a title, creates a new pull-request.


// for a workflow
var steps = [
  {'github.createPR': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature', 'This is the title']}

// in an executable
var createPRFactory = require('starflow-github')(starflow).factories.createPR;
var createPRExecutable = this.createExecutable(createPRFactory);

var myTask = new starflow.Task(createPRExecutable, ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature', 'This is the title']);


Given an user/organization name, a project name, an assignee name and a pull-request ID, assigns someone to the PR.


// for a workflow
var steps = [
  {'github.assignPR': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'bob', 42]}

// in an executable
var assignPRFactory = require('starflow-github')(starflow).factories.assignPR;
var assignPRExecutable = this.createExecutable(assignPRFactory);

var myTask = new starflow.Task(assignPRExecutable, ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'bob', 42]);


Given an user/organization name, a project name, source and target branches, gets the pull-request (if it exists) that matches this pair of branches.


// for a workflow
var steps = [
  {'github.getPRBetween': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature']}

// in an executable
var getPRBetweenFactory = require('starflow-github')(starflow).factories.getPRBetween;
var getPRBetweenExecutable = this.createExecutable(getPRBetweenFactory);

var myTask = new starflow.Task(getPRBetweenExecutable, ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature']);


Some behaviors of this plugin depend on the values of config variables, here's the list of them and their effect.

  • TOKEN (no default value, mandatory) Github token to access the API.

You can set these config variable from several ways:

  • Env variables on your machine.

    Example (assuming index.js contains your workflow that uses the github executables):

    $ starflow_github__TOKEN=abc123 node index.js 
  • .starflowrc file at the root of your project (but you probably shouldn't choose this option as the credentials shouldn't be so easily accessible).


      "github": {
        "TOKEN": "abc123"

:bulb: Recommendation Store your Github token as a starflow_github__TOKEN variable in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc file.

Internally, Starflow uses the rc module to handle the config values.


Some of the executables of this plugin store some values in their storage.


  • project Contains the project data (id, name, branches...) from Github.


    var starflow = require('starflow');
    var steps = [
      {'github.getProject': ['user-name', 'project-name']},
      {'custom.echo': '{{/github.getProject/project.name}}'} // displays "project-name"
    var workflow = new starflow.Workflow(steps);
    return workflow
      .addPlugin(require('starflow-custom')) // plugin that contains the 'echo' executable


  • pr Contains the pull-request data (id, title, description...) from Github.


    var starflow = require('starflow');
    var steps = [
      {'github.createPR': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature', 'This is the title']},
      {'custom.echo': '{{/github.createPR/pr.title}}'} // displays "This is the title"
    var workflow = new starflow.Workflow(steps);
    return workflow
      .addPlugin(require('starflow-custom')) // plugin that contains the 'echo' executable


  • pr Contains the pull-request data (id, title, description...) from Github.


    var starflow = require('starflow');
    var steps = [
      {'github.assignPR': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'bob', 42]},
      {'custom.echo': '{{/github.assignPR/pr.title}}'} // e.g. displays "This is an awesome title!"
    var workflow = new starflow.Workflow(steps);
    return workflow
      .addPlugin(require('starflow-custom')) // plugin that contains the 'echo' executable


  • pr Contains the pull-request data (id, title, description...) from Github.


    var starflow = require('starflow');
    var steps = [
      {'github.getPRBetween': ['Boulangerie', 'starflow-github', 'master', 'my-feature']},
      {'custom.echo': '{{/github.getPRBetween/pr.title}}'} // e.g. displays "Title for my-feature dev"
    var workflow = new starflow.Workflow(steps);
    return workflow
      .addPlugin(require('starflow-custom')) // plugin that contains the 'echo' executable

Note: learn more about storage paths on the Starflow documentation page.

If you want to contribute, please take the time to update this README file with the new executables/API brought by your contribution. Thank you! :heart: