0.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

starter-kit-starter v0.2.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Simple utility for creating flexible starter kits.

declare function starterKitStarter({
  outputDirectory: string,
  kitDirectory: string, // some magic in here!
  prompt: Promise<PromptResult>,
  finalizeKit: (FilepathsContentsMap, PromptResult) => FilepathsContentsMap
}): Promise<void>;


create-starter-kit-starter-example uses starter-kit-starter to create files with. See example repo, and experiment with:

yarn create starter-kit-starter-example my-app


#!/usr/bin/env node

const starterKitStarter = require("starter-kit-starter");
const { prompt } = require("enquirer");
const path = require("path");

const {
  _: [outputDirectory]
} = require("minimist")(process.argv.slice(2));

  prompt: prompt([
      type: "input",
      name: "projectName",
      message: "What is the project name?",
      default: outputDirectory
  finalizeKit: (kit, answers) => kit,
  kitDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, "kit"),
  outputDirectory: path.resolve(process.cwd(), outputDirectory),
  dynamicExtension: ".kit"

kitDirectory / dynamicExtension

Organize your starter kit code in a kit directory. If your file ends in a single extension, it will direct copy and paste. If your file ends in .extension.dynamicExtension (.js.kit), the file will be called as a function, with the result of your prompt, and you return a string. This allows for an organized, copy-paste like structure for some files, and allows you to build some files dynamically based on options (rather than using an invented template syntax).

  ./a-1.js // direct copy paste
  ./a-2.js.kit // called as a function

finalize kit

Before we write files to disk, we call a finalize function with the full map of your kit files { './a-1.js': 'contents' }, and prompt options.

This gives you a final chance to not add files / manipulate names based on prompt options. The map you return is written to disk.