1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago

status-collector v1.0.0

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10 years ago

Status Collector

This package allows packages and applications to setup status collectors into a global place. It allows you to setup topographically named collectors that can be filtered by globbing which can then be exposed for consumption to check the status of your application.


> collectors = require('status-collector'),
collectors = require('./index');
> Q = require('q');
> inspect = require('util').inspect;

collectors.register('my.cool.collector', function() { 
  return { success: true, stuff: 'and', things: true };

collectors.register('my.ace.collector', function() { 
  return Q().then(function() { return { success: true, woa: 'crazy'}; }); 

> collectors
<StatusCollector collectors=[my.ace.collector, my.cool.collector]>

Now to use them.

# run everything
collectors.execute().then(function(results) {
  console.log(inspect(results, {depth: null}));

> [ { name: 'my.cool.collector',
success: true,
results: { success: true, stuff: 'and', things: true } },

{ name: 'my.ace.collector', success: true, results: { success: true, woa: 'crazy' } } ]

We can filter the things to run:

collectors.execute('*.cool.*').then(function(results) {
  console.log(inspect(results, {depth: null}));

> [ { name: 'my.cool.collector',
success: true,
results: { success: true, stuff: 'and', things: true } }

Express integration

Add the following to your express app

myApp.use(collectors.expressApp("/my-base-path", express()));

Then hit it:

curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path-list"
curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path"

When you have something to test, lets say "my.thing.yeah"

curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path/my"
curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path/my/thing"
curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path/my/thing/yeah"
curl -k -vv  "http://localhost:4567/my-base-path/my.*"