steam-binary-vdf v0.1.0
npm i --save steam-binary-vdf
Steam Binary VDF
is a module for reading and writing the binary vdf file format used in files like shortcuts.vdf
. This module also provides a utility function for calculating the steam://rungameid/
url for a shortcut.
readVdf(buffer: Buffer, offset?: number): Object
Reads a vdf file from a buffer and returns an object with its contents.
This returns a "plain" object of [key: string]: value
with the values from the vdf file.
writeVdf(map: Object): Buffer
Writes an object to a new buffer then returns the buffer.
VDF files values only accept:
- unsigned 32-bit numbers:
will error if a number is outside of the range0 <= value <= 4294967295
. - strings without null chars
will error if a string contains null chars. Remove, replace, or truncate your strings first. VDF files use null-terminated strings internally. - Objects with string keys and accepted values:
will error if a value does not match an accepted type.
getShortcutHash(input: string): string
Returns the "hash" used by steam to represent non-steam shortcuts
in the steam://rungameid/
format. This uses code adapted from Scott Rice's ICE program.
getShortcutUrl(appName: string, exe: string): string
Returns the shortcut url for a shortcut with the given name and target. The name is the AppName
field and the target is the exe
field from the shortcut entry in the shortcuts file.
This just returns "steam://rungameid/" + getShortcutHash(exe + appName)
Shortcuts.vdf example
import { readVdf, writeVdf } from "steam-binary-vdf";
import fs from "fs-extra";
// read the vdf
const inBuffer = await fs.readFile("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\userdata\\USER_ID\\config\\shortcuts.vdf")
const shortcuts = readVdf(inBuffer);
console.log(shortcuts); // output below;
// add to the vdf
shortcuts.shortcuts['2'] = {
AppName: 'Game 3',
exe: 'D:\\Games\\Game.exe'
const outBuffer = writeVdf(shortcuts);
await fs.writeFile("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\userdata\\USER_ID\\config\\shortcuts.vdf", outBuffer);
This will produce something like...
shortcuts: {
'0': {
AppName: 'Game 1',
exe: '"C:\\Program Files\\Game 1\\Game.exe"',
StartDir: '"C:\\Program Files\\Game 1"',
icon: '',
ShortcutPath: '',
LaunchOptions: '',
IsHidden: 0,
AllowDesktopConfig: 1,
AllowOverlay: 1,
openvr: 0,
Devkit: 0,
DevkitGameID: '',
LastPlayTime: 1527542942,
tags: {'0': 'some tag', '1': 'another tag'}
'1': {
AppName: 'Another Game',
exe: '"C:\\Program Files\\Some Game 2\\AnyExe.exe"',
StartDir: '"C:\\Any Location"',
icon: '',
ShortcutPath: '',
LaunchOptions: '',
IsHidden: 0,
AllowDesktopConfig: 1,
AllowOverlay: 1,
openvr: 0,
Devkit: 0,
DevkitGameID: '',
LastPlayTime: 1525830068,
tags: {}
Notable things about shortcuts.vdf
- The root of VDF files are maps of string keys to values.
puts all of the shortcuts in theshortcuts
value under the root. The vdf file can include more values under the root but typically does not. You can set and save other values under the root and Steam will treat the file like normal after a restart, but won't necessarily keep the extra data. shortcuts
is a map with numbers as string keys. Using a proper key here doesn't actually matter: steam will fix all keys to a number-as-a-string on startup.tags
is map-as-a-list likeshortcuts
, but I couldn't get steam to use it so I couldn't test its behavior.- When steam starts, it reads and sanitizes
. This means:- Any non-object values under
get discarded - Any object values under
get converted into shortcut definitions. Unknown keys in the object are removed and any non-existent shortcut definition keys are added with their default values. - Keys under
get converted to numbers-as-strings. For example, settingshortcuts.a = {AppName: 'Test'}
in the above example would becomeshortcuts['2']
depending on the contents.
- Any non-object values under
is a timestamp- Booleans are represented as numbers where 0 is false and 1 is true.
- If
does not follow the binary vdf format, it is cleared and reset to an empty shortcuts vdf.
The default values for a shortcut definition are:
AppName: '',
exe: '',
StartDir: '',
icon: '',
ShortcutPath: '',
LaunchOptions: '',
IsHidden: 0,
AllowDesktopConfig: 1,
AllowOverlay: 1,
openvr: 0,
Devkit: 0,
DevkitGameID: '',
LastPlayTime: 0,
tags: {}
5 years ago