0.26.0 • Published 7 years ago

stencila-sibyl v0.26.0

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7 years ago


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ˈsɪbɪl noun 1. in ancient Greece a woman believed to be an oracle incapable of speaking mistruths 2. a tool for building and running containers for authoring and reproducing Stencila documents


Install the Node.js package:

npm install stencila-sibyl

Alternatively, if you only want to use the Bash script, download it to somewhere on your $PATH and make it executable e.g. on Linux:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stencila/sibyl/master/sibyl.sh > ~/.local/bin/sibyl
chmod 755 ~/.local/bin/sibyl

Sibyl requires docker and jq to be installed.


Sibyl performs several key tasks with folders of files:

  • fetch : fetches a folder from some remote or local location
  • build : builds a Docker container image based on the contents of the folder
  • check : checks that the container image has the environment specified
  • start : starts a container from the image with a running Stencila host
  • launch: does all of the above tasks

These tasks are implemented in sibyl.sh and can be run at the command line: e.g sibyl launch github://stencila/test

The server provides a web interface to sibyl launch. Start it with npm start and then open browser at http://localhost:3000. When you provide the server with a folder address (e.g. github://stencila/test or file://some/folder) it will launch a container based on that folder, echoing progress to the browser. Then, once the container has been built and started, the browser is redirected to the folder's "main" document running inside the container.

Standard containers

Sibyl's standard container images are intended to be comprehesive environments for scientific computing. They aim to provide a computing environment that meets the needs of 95% of Stencila documents. We intend to build and publish daily versions of these images. The images folder contains Dockerfiles that define how each stream is built. Currently there is only one stream of standard images: alpha.

Custom containers

In addition to standard containers, sibyl build allows for the easy creating of custom containers. One use case for custom containers is where the author wishes to specify how the container is to be build by provding one or more of:

  • Dockerfile
  • requirements.txt for specifying a Python version and/or package versions
  • r-requires.txt for specifying a R version and/or package versions
  • package.json for specifying a Node.js version and/or package versions

The other use case for custom containers is where users want a container that is as close as possible to their local environment. The Stencila packages for R, Python and Node.js provide a environ function which produce a description of the language runtime and the installed package versions. For example, in R, the command stencila:::envrion() produces a JSON like this:

  "version": "3.3.2",
  "codename": "Sincere Pumpkin Patch",
  "date": "2016-10-31",
  "platform": "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu",
  "packages": {
    "actuar": "2.0-0",
    "assertthat": "0.1",
    "babynames": "0.2.1",
    "backports": "1.0.5",
    "base": "3.3.2",
    "base64enc": "0.1-3",
    "BH": "1.62.0-1",
    "bitops": "1.0-6",

When you author a document on your local machine, Stencila records this information, so that a container as close a possible to your authoring environment is reproduced.