stickme v1.3.0
jQuery StickMe Plugin
Fixed elements depending on the scroll position.
jQuery StickMe Plugin gives the control to make any element on a website fixed on a certain scroll position of the document page wherever and whenever it needs. It's easy to setup with the given options and it's also a great module to interact with due to its methods and callback events.
Getting Started
You can download the plugin as an archive.
Or you can grab it by using npm:
npm install stickme
Or you can grab it by using Bower:
bower install stickme
Include the script after the jQuery library (unless you package scripts otherwise):
<script src="/path/to/stickme.min.js"></script>
Please keep in mind that DOM elements you would like to be fixed at some point are better to stay clean of any styles which might influence their positions (float, margin…). A good practice would be having a clean, wrapping child element inside of the desired target only for StickMe purposes.
Now, there are two ways of initializing StickMe:
I. jQuery function
The first way is as follows:
$.stickme(); // returns the target
This is the most basic initialization. By calling it so, the plugin will look for any element that has a "stickme" class. If no such elements, nothing will happen.
Of course, you can also provide specific target/s with a custom selector by doing so:
target: $('selector')
II. Method function
The second way is as an object method. So, we can also use the plugin this way:
$('selector').stickme(); // returns the target
Defines a custom target selector.
The target property is only available when initialize StickMe as a jQuery function like the example below.
target: $('selector')
Defines an offset from the top of the viewport.
top: 10
Updates the styles of the target when it's in a fixed position.
var stickedElement = $('selector').stickme();
Removes StickMe from the target.
var stickedElement = $('selector').stickme();
There are two ways of binding StickMe events.
1. As option properties:
onStick: function(e, target) {
// do something
onUnstick: function(e, target) {
// do something
2. As jQuery events:
.bind('onStick', function(e, target) {
// do something
.bind('onUnstick', function(e, target) {
// do something
And here are all available events:
Triggers when the target is being switched to fixed position.
var stickedElement = $('selector').stickme();
stickedElement.bind('onStick', function(e, target) {
// do something
Triggers when the target is being switched to static position.
var stickedElement = $('selector').stickme();
stickedElement.bind('onUnstick', function(e, target) {
// do something
Triggers when StickMe is being removed from the target.
var stickedElement = $('selector').stickme();
stickedElement.bind('onDestroy', function(e, target) {
// do something
Browsers compatibility
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
Copyright © 2017 Martin Metodiev. Licensed under the MIT license. See here for more details.