0.2.10 • Published 7 years ago

stk v0.2.10

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7 years ago

State management toolkit



.subscribe(onNext, onError, onComplete) subscribe for state updates


stk.store(10).subscribe(state => console.log(state));
    next(state) {

.dispatch(Event) dispatches an event (produced with an eventCreator)

const sum = (x, y) => x + y;
const store = stk.store(10);
    update: 20,
    reduce: sum
store.subscribe(state => console.log(state)); // 10, 30

.createEvent(fnReducer) given a reducer returns an event creator that produces events (events can't have side effects)

const sum = (x, y) => x + y;
const store = stk.store(10);
const numberEvent = store.createEvent(sum);
store.subscribe(state => console.log(state)); // 10, 30

.createCommand(fnExecutor) given an executor function returns a command creator that produces commands (that perform side effects)

.plug(Observable, reducer) 'plugs' an observable to the store, so that every value from the observable results into an event (with the given reducer)


.view(project) given a project function (project(Events[], initialState)) produces a view that is a way to observe events flowing in the store

._eventLog(Observer) subscribes an Observer to the raw event log flowing through the store

Flush strategies:

to avoid array overflowing and control computational cost of project stores are created with flush strategies. A flush strategy specifies a policy for transitioning form an array of events and an initial state to a new initial state (which includes some of the events) and a reduced events array. immediateFlushStrategy flush every event (warning: transactions will not work) neverFlushStrategy no flush at all (good for the cases with a low events number - e.g. less than 10 mln) count100kFlushStrategy flush upon reaching 100 000 events (default for stk)

store(initialState, flushStrategy) // flush strategy is specified in a store constructor as an optional 2nd argument built-in strategies can be found under stk.flushStrategies path. It is possible to specify custom flush strategy under the following API:

function customImmediateFlushStrategy(projectFunction){
    return function (eventsArray, initialState) {
        const newEventsArray = [];
        const newInitialState = projectFunction(eventsArray, initialState);
        return [newEventsArray, newInitialState];

Redux DevTools Extension

STK works with Redux Devtools Extension:

  • Install the tools
  • Connect one of the stores to the DevTools:
const initial = 0;
const store = stk.store(initial);
stk.devtools.addStore(store, initial);