4.0.13 • Published 7 years ago

storm-core v4.0.13

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago


storm-core consist of the set of common tools required by Storm and is not meant to run standalone.

  • Services for loading tenant and application settings
  • Data Access libraries for Redis
  • Common utilies for parsing json, maintaining lifecycle context and error handling
  • Git Services
  • Definition of Redis Keys

Storm Architecture

Running tests

grunt test


storm-core is used by other storm projects as an npm. For development do the following:

cd {my-dev-directory}/storm-core    	# go into the package directory
npm link                    			# create global link
cd {my-dev-directory}/storm-worker   	# go into other package directory.
npm link storm-core              		# link-install the package

Directory Layout

package.json        --> for npm
bin/           		 --> npm pre/post install scripts
lib/             	 --> src code
	db/				 --> Redis functionality
	service/		 --> core services
	utils/			 --> common utilities
test/               --> unit tests   	      
	coverage/           --> test coverage report
    data/    			--> mock data	
	services/			--> unit tests for services - all tests mirror the on the module being tested + '.test.js' e.g. 'my-service.test.js'
	utils/				--> common utilities for test cases
	blanket.js			--> Coverage configuration