1.0.1 • Published 3 months ago

storybook-addon-rtl v1.0.1

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3 months ago

Storybook Addon RTL Version

Storybook Addon RTL allows you to switch to right-to-left flow in your stories in Storybook.

This addon has been tested with Storybook for React, Vue and Angular. It should also work in other frameworks.

Storybook Addon RTL Demo

This is a permanent fork of unindented/storybook-addon-rtl, which is now archived. Thanks for unindented for the original code!

Getting Started

npm i --save-dev storybook-addon-rtl

Add the addon to the addons array in .storybook/main.js

module.exports = {
  /// other storybook configuration
  addons: [
    // other addons here

Then write your stories normally:

import React from 'react'
import MyComponent from './MyComponent'

export default {
  title: 'My Component',
  component: MyComponent

export const default = {};

export const rtlParameter = {
  // Optionally include direction as story parameter
  parameters: {
    direction: 'rtl'


Query Params

You can set the direction using query params in the URL. This is useful for things like e2e tests.

Just add &direction=rtl or &direction=ltr to the end of the URL:


Channel API

This addon uses the Storybook Channel API to emit and respond to direction change events. This allows anyone to write custom code that can set or react to changes in the direction. This is especially useful when working with some libraries that need to know about the current direction. See ./src/stories/CustomDecorator.stories.tsx for an example.




Copyright (c) 2023 Benjamin Kindle (@literalpie). This is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.