0.6.0 • Published 2 years ago

strapi-code-editor-custom-field v0.6.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Strapi plugin strapi-code-editor-custom-field

Code editor plugin for strapi CMS. It uses the monaco editor (vscode).


You need install also monaco editor.

yarn add monaco-editor monaco-editor-webpack-plugin strapi-code-editor-custom-field
npm install monaco-editor monaco-editor-webpack-plugin strapi-code-editor-custom-field

You must add plugin to config/plugins.js file.

  'strapi-code-editor-custom-field': {
    enabled: true,

You need to update the config/middlewares.ts file. Replace strapi::security with

  name: 'strapi::security',
  config: {
    contentSecurityPolicy: {
      useDefaults: true,
      directives: {
        'script-src-elem': ["'self'", 'cdn.jsdelivr.net'],
        upgradeInsecureRequests: null,

This will add the cdn.jsdelivr.net to the script-src-elem directive for enabling content security policy.

And the last step is to add the monaco-editor-webpack-plugin to the src/admin/webpack.config.js file.

'use strict'

const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = (config) => {
  config.plugins.push(new MonacoWebpackPlugin())

  return config

Last step is to rebuild the admin panel.

npm run build


yarn build


When you add the plugin you will see two new custom fields. One for javascript (and other languages) and one for json.

Two custom fields

The editor then will show up in content-type add/edit page. It can be opened in fullscreen mode.

JSON editor

JSON editor

Javascript editor

Javascript editor

You can select the language in content-type builder options (if you select it, you can not change it in the editor instance).

Select language options

Under the hood

Editor is using two different types for strapi field. When you select JSON editor it will be json type. When you select different language, it will be text type.

For text type you can select the language. If you select it, the select will not show up in the editor.

In case you don't select the language, you can pick it dynamically, but the language is prefixed before the value.

Language selector:

const languageRegExp = new RegExp('__(.+)__;')
const languageFromValue = value.match(languageRegExp)[1]

Remove language from value:

const languageRegExp = new RegExp('__(.+)__;')
const valueWithoutLanguage = value.replace(languageRegExp, '')


If you find any issues, please report them here.


If you want to contribute to this plugin, you can follow this steps:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Link the plugin
yarn link
  1. Link the plugin to your strapi project
cd /your-strapi-project
yarn link strapi-code-editor-custom-field
  1. Build the plugin
yarn build
  1. Run watch mode
yarn watch
  1. Start the strapi project


Feel free to fork and make a Pull Request to this plugin project. All the input is warmly welcome! ❤️