1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

stready-cli v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Stready cli

Dev tool for doing common tasks with stready. Made with nodejs and yargs. Run stready-cli help for list of possibel commands.


Clone git project, cd to folder, run npm install -g


Db url

Default db url is set to localhost. If you want to use a different db url, set the STREADY_CLI_MONGODB_URL env var to the full URL you wish to use. The cli is designed to prompt whenever a write operation is about to take place, but please make sure to only use read-only users on non-local databases unless you are completely aware what the command you are running will do.


To use the mandrill helper commands, an API key is required. Configure the key by setting the STREADY_CLI_MANDRILL_API_KEY env var.

Bash completions

Running stready-cli completion will ouptut a script that may be sourced or added to .bashrc (or similar) to add command line completions.