1.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

stream-line-tokens2obj v1.0.1

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== Token to Object Transformer This module consumes an object stream as created by https://github.com/darlenya/stream-line-parser[stream-line-tokenizer-csv] And transforms the array of tokens in an object.

.Line object example


{ "lineNumber": 1, "data": "any", "line", "data"


would be transformed into:


{ "lineNumber": 1, "data": { "Col 1" : "any", "Col 2" : "line", "Col 3" : "data" }


=== Install


$ npm install stream-line-tokens2obj

=== Usage

.Options for the transformer


{ "header" : 'a', 'b', 'c', undefined, 'e', <1> "strict" : false, <2> "severity" : 'skip_record', <3> "skip_first_row" : true <4>


<1> (Optional). The header could also be set by the token stream if the element with lineNumber '0' contains a header element. But if a header is given here. It will overwrite the header from the stream. <2> (Optional, default is ''false'' ). If set to true, it will be checked that the token count is equal to the given header tokens. <3> (Optional, default ''skip_record''). The severity to be used if the strict check found an error. <4> (Optional, default is ''true''). As usually the first row will contains the header, the first row will be skipped. If in the first row a header element will be detected, it will be skipped even if this parameter is set to false.

.Usage example


const fs = require('fs'); const lp = require('stream-line-parser'); const tk = require('stream-line-tokenizer-csv'); const t2o = require('stream-line-tokens2obj');

let parser = lp({ "allow_new_line_in_cell" : true, "line_separator": "\n", "quote_char" : '"', "skip_empty_lines" : true });

let tokenizer = tk({ "separator_list" : ',', ';', "quote_char" : '"', "use_quotes" : true, "trim" : true });

let tokens2obj = t2o({ "strict" : false });


This will read the file 'filename.csv'. The stream will be piped to the parser which will split the stream in to objects. The parser emits an object stream. This object stream will then be piped to the line tokenizer.+ Then for each row an object will be created.

=== License BSD-2-Clause