4.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

stream-sea-client v4.3.0

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Last release
4 years ago

An isomorphic client library for stream-sea


This library is compatible with stream-sea ^4.0 (i.e. 4.0 <= stream-sea < 5.0)

API Reference

publish(args: Remote & {stream: string, clientSecret: string, payload: any})

Publish a message to a stream.

  • stream: string - The name of the stream to publish to
  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • payload: any - The message payload to send

describeStream(args: Remote & {stream: string, clientSecret: string})

Read a schema definition for a stream

  • stream: string - The name of the stream
  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the client

defineStream(args: Remote & Stream & {clientSecret: string} & SchemaDefinition)

Write a schema definition for a stream

  • stream: string - The name of the stream
  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the client If a schema definition with the same name and version number already exists, the existing definition will not be overwritten. The returned promise will resolve if the new definition is the same as the existing definition, and reject otherwise.

getSchemaVersionsVector(args: Remote & { clientSecret: string, schemaNames: string[]})

Read the version numbers for multiple streams

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the client
  • schemaNames: string[] - The names of the streams This function will return an array retVal with the same length as schemaNames. For every i, if the stream with name schemaNames[i] exists, then the value of retVal[i] will be that stream's version number. If the stream with name schemaNames[i] does not exist, then the value of retVal[i] will be null.

createClient(args: Remote & { clientSecret: string, targetClientId: string, targetClientDescription: string })

Create another client in the same jail

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client
  • targetClientId: string - The client ID of the new client
  • targetClientDescription: string - The description of the new client The client secret will be generated on the server and returned in the secret field of the result.

deleteClient(args: Remote & { clientSecret: string, targetClientId: string })

Delete another client in the same jail

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client
  • targetClientId: string - The client ID of the client to delete

rotateClientSecret(args: Remote & { clientSecret: string })

Rotate the client secret for this client

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client The new client secret will be generated on the server and returned in the secret field of the result.

rotateClientJwtPublicKey(args: Remote & { clientSecret: string, jwtPublicKey: string | null})

Rotate the JWT public key for this client

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client
  • jwtPublicKey: string | null - The new JWT public key

subscribe(args: Remote & Stream & {clientSecret: string, fanout?: boolean})

Subscribe to a single stream indefinitely using basic authentication

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client
  • fanout?: boolean - If true, compete for messages with other instances of this client that also have fanout=true Note: for a more flexible subscription API use the StreamSeaClient object

subscribeWithJwt(args: Remote & Stream & {jwt: string, fanout?: boolean})

Subscribe to a single stream indefinitely using JWT authentication

  • clientSecret: string - The client secret used to authenticate the current client
  • fanout?: boolean - If true, compete for messages with other instances of this client that also have fanout=true Note: for a more flexible subscription API use the StreamSeaClient object

interface Remote

The Remote interface identifies a remote stream-sea server and transport-level connection options. All API methods require a Remote as part of their args. The Remote interface has the following fields:

  • remoteServerHost: string - The DNS name of the remote server
  • remoteServerPort: string - The port of the remote server
  • secure: boolean - If true, TLS is used on the transport layer (HTTPS/WSS instead of HTTP/WS)
  • clientId: string - The client ID

interface SchemaDefinition

The SchemaDefinition interface defines a schema for a stream. The SchemaDefinition interface has the following fields:

  • name: string - The name of the schema. Currently the name of the schema must be equal to the name of the stream.
  • version: number - The version number of the schema.
  • fields: SchemaField[] - The set of fields in the schema. Fields are treated as an unordered set, so the order of this array does not matter.

interface SchemaField

The SchemaField interface defines a single field in a schema. The SchemaField interface has the following fields:

  • name: string - The name of the field
  • type: FieldType - The type of the field

The following field types are supported:

  • FieldType.STRING - Any string
  • FieldType.FLOAT - Any JSON-serializable floating point value
  • FieldType.INTEGER - Any JSON-serializable integer
  • FieldType.DATE - A UTC date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ"
  • FieldType.STRING_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.STRING
  • FieldType.FLOAT_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.FLOAT
  • FieldType.INTEGER_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.INTEGER
  • FieldType.DATE_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.DATE
  • FieldType.ENUM - A string restricted to a finite set of values. A SchemaField of type FieldType.ENUM will have an enum field of type string[] listing the allowed values.
  • FieldType.OBJECT - A JSON object. A SchemaField of type FieldType.ENUM will have a fields field of type SchemaField[]. This allows you to nest schema definitions.
  • FieldType.OBJECT_ARRAY - An array of FieldType.OBJECT

Stream-sea JWT

Clients can create JWTs that give the bearer partial access to stream-sea. In order to do this, they need to create an RSA keypair. The public key should be added to stream-sea using the rotateClientJwtPublicKey method.

  • The JWT payload is a JSON object with the following fields:
    • exp: number - This must contain the expiration time as a UNIX timestamp as per RFC 7515. When the expiration time passes, the JWT bearer's connection will be closed and they will not be allowed to re-connect.
    • mustFanout: boolean - If true, the JWT bearer is forced to use fanout mode for all subscriptions.
    • filter?: FdslExpr - If present, this field defines rules for which messages the JWT bearer is allowed to receive. If absent, the JWT bearer can receive any message from any stream in the same jail. See the Filter DSL section for a detailed description of filter DSL expressions.
  • The JWT is created by signing the JWT payload using the client's JWT private key with the RS512 algorithm, and serializing the result to a string using RFC 7515 JWS Compact Serialization

Filter DSL

When a JWT-authenticated client has a filter field in their JWT, stream-sea will perform filtering before forwarding messages to the client. When a message becomes available, stream-sea will evaluate the filter expression in the context of that message. If the resulting value is truthy, the message is forwarded to the client. If the resulting value is falsy or an error is encountered during evaluation, the message is not forwarded to the client.

FDSL leaf nodes

  t: 'string'
  e: string

FdslLiteralStringExpr evaluates to the string in the e field

  t: 'number'
  e: number

FdslLiteralStringExpr evaluates to the number in the e field

  t: 'bool'
  e: boolean

FdslLiteralBoolExpr evaluates to the boolean in the e field

  t: 'null'

FdslLiteralNullExpr evaluates to null

  t: 'path',
  e: string

FdslLiteralPathExpr evalutes to the value found in thee message at JSON path e

  t: 'meta',
  e: string

FdslLiteralMetaExpr evalutes to the metadata field named e. Currently the only supported value is "streamName", which evaluates to the stream name.

FDSL operator nodes

  t: 'eq',
  e: [FdslExpr, FdslExpr]

FdslEqExpr evalutes to true if the subexpressions e[0] and e[1] evaluate to the same value, and false otherwise.

  t: 'and',
  e: FdslExpr[]

FdslAndExpr evalutes to true if the subexpressions in e all evaluate to truthy values, and false otherwise.

  t: 'or',
  e: FdslExpr[]

FdslOrExpr evalutes to true if any of the subexpressions in e evaluate to a truthy value, and false otherwise.

  t: 'or',
  e: Fdsl[]

FdslNotExpr evalutes to true if the subexpression e evaluates to a falsy value, and false otherwise.

Stream-sea-client Developer Documentation

Stream-sea wire protocol

Websocket layer

  • The stream-sea wire protocol is built on top of the Websocket protocol
  • The protocol is initiated by the client establishing a Websocket connection to the server
  • As long as the Websocket connection is open, it is the server's responsibility to send Websocket ping messages at least every 30 seconds to avoid idle connections being closed
  • Once a connection is established, the client and server communicate by exchanging Websocket data messages, which will be referred to as just messages for the rest of this spec.
  • Every message is a JSON object serialized to a string

Message structure

  • Each message has an id field of JSON type number and a action field of JSON type string. Here is an example message:
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 92,
    "pressure": 3002
  • The client must send the first message with id equal to 1, and must increase id by 1 for each subsequent message
  • Each message x sent by the server is a response to an earlier message y sent by the client. x must have the same values of id and action as y
  • For some messages y sent by the client, the server can reply with multiple messages x1, x2, .... These must all have the same values of id and action as y

Authentication Request Message

  • The client-sent message with id = 1 must be an Authentication Request message
  • Client-sent messages with id > 1 must not be Authentication Request messages
  • An Authentication Request message has an action field with value "authenticate"
  • An Authentication Request message must have a payload field of JSON type object
  • Stream-sea supports two authentication methods: Basic and JWT
  • In order to authenticate with the Basic method, the payload of the Authentication Request message must have the following fields:
    • A type field with value "basic"
    • A clientId field of JSON type string
    • A clientSecret field of JSON type string
  • In order to authenticate with the Basic method, the payload of the Authentication Request message must have the following fields:
    • A type field with value "jwt"
    • A clientId field of JSON type string
    • A jwt field of JSON type string containing the stream-sea JWT
  • The server must respond to an Authentication Request message with exactly one Authentication Response message

Authentication Response Message

  • An Authentication Response message has an action field with value "authenticate"
  • An Authentication Response message must have a success field of JSON type boolean which will indicate whether authentication was successful
  • If authentication was unsuccessful, the client must close the connection and must not send any more messages

Subscription Request Message

  • The client may subscribe by sending a Subscription Request message
  • A Subscription Request message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Subscription Request message has a payload field of JSON type string. The value of this field must be the name of the stream to subscribe to.
  • A Subscription Request message may have a groupId field of JSON type string. If set, the value of this field must be a UUID in RFC 4122 format (also known as the 8-4-4-4-12 format).
  • A Subscription Request message may have multiple responses. The first response must be a Subscription Response message. Each subsequent response must be a Message Delivery message.

Subscription Response Message

  • A Subscription Response message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Subscription Response message has a streamName field of JSON type string. The value of this field is the name of the stream that was subscribed to.

Message Delivery

  • A Message Delivery message has an action field with value "subscribe"
  • A Message Delivery message has a payload field of JSON type object. This value of this field is the user-defined message object.

Example of stream-sea wire protocol exchange

The client authenticates and subscribes to the stream boiler_data The server delivers two messages from the boiler_data stream.

StreamSeaSocket.send {
  "action": "authenticate",
  "payload": {
    "type": "basic"
    "clientId": "abc",
    "clientSecret": "def123"

StreamSeaSocket.onWsMessage: {
  "id": 1,
  "action": "authenticate",
  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    "jailId": "some_jail"

StreamSeaSocket.send {
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscribe",
  "payload": "boiler_data"

StreamSeaSocket.onWsMessage: {
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "success": true,
  "streamName": "boiler_data",

StreamSeaSocket.onWsMessage: {
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 91,
    "pressure": 3001

StreamSeaSocket.onWsMessage: {
  "id": 2,
  "action": "subscription",
  "streamName": "boiler_data",
  "payload": {
    "temperature": 92,
    "pressure": 3002

4 years ago


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