1.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

streamstructure v1.1.2

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2 years ago

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$ npm i streamstructure


This npm is about parsing objects into Buffers, useful to exporting data and import again later. This creates a structure capable of reducing the space needed at least at possible.


To transform a simple Object with properties name and color in a buffer, just use on the constructor the keys and the type of these keys.

const SS = require('streamstructure');

const personModel = new SS("name: string","color: string");
const person = {
   name: "viktor",
   color: "yellow"

const buff = personModel.toBuffer(person); 
console.log(buff); // expected output <Buffer 00 06 76 69 6b 74 6f 72 00 06 79 65 6c 6c 6f 77>

const outPerson = personModel.fromBuffer(buff); 
console.log(outPerson); // expected output {name: "viktor", color: "yellow"}

We can use anothers types beyond string.

Types Table

bytenumber1range -128 ~ 127
ubytenumber1range 0 ~ 255
shortnumber2range -32513 ~ 32767
ushortnumber2range 0 ~ 65535
intnumber4range 0 ~ 4294967295
uintnumber4range -2147483648 ~ 2147483647
longnumber8range -9223372036854775808n ~ 9223372036854775807n
ulongnumber8range 0n ~ 18446744073709551615n
doublenumber8normal number from js
charstring1just a single letter
booleanboolean1true or false
stringstringn+2string where n is the string length


It's possible to transform the types into array of types, just using [n] as suffix where n is size of index, must be used any number in range 1-6

const birthdaysModel = new SS("birthdays: short[2]");
const birthdays = {
    birthdays: [3103,2212,2307],

console.log(birthdaysModel.toBuffer(birthdays)); // expected output <Buffer 00 03 0c 1f 08 a4 09 03>

You can invert the index endianess by using ! before the number.

const birthdaysModel = new SS("birthdays: short[!4]");
const birthdays = {
    birthdays: [3103,2212,2307],

console.log(birthdaysModel.toBuffer(birthdays)); // expected output <Buffer 03 00 00 00 0c 1f 08 a4 09 03>



toBuffer(data: Record<string, unknown>): Buffer;

This method can pick json (data) and transform into buffer using the presetted structure.


fromBuffer(buffer: string): Record<string, unknown>;

This method parses the output buffer from toBuffer() into the json.


setType(type: string, ...structure: string[]): this;

for a more complex json, this function is very useful, this can make objects inside of anothers object.

const houseModel = new SS("rooms: byte", "rented: boolean", "father: person","mother: person","son: person")
    .setType("person", "name: string", "age: byte");

const house = {
    rooms: 8,
    rented: false,
    mother: {
        name: "Rose",
        age: 28
    father: {
        name: "Luccas",
        age: 30
    son: {
        name: "Leo",
        age: 8

console.log(houseModel.toBuffer(house)) // expected <Buffer 08 00 00 06 4c 75 63 63 61 73 1e 00 04 52 6f 73 65 1c 00 03 4c 65 6f 08>


    type: string,
    preProcessing: (value: unknown) => Record<string, unknown>,
    postProcessing: (value: Record<string, unknown>) => unknown
): this;

This method processes the all values of the type type.

THe preProcessing is used in the toBuffer().
and the postProcessing is used in the fromBuffer().

const sceneModel = new SS("balls: pos[1]")
    .setType("pos", "x: short", "y: short")
        (arr) => ({x: arr[0],y: arr[1]}),
        (obj) => [obj.x,obj.y]

const scene = {
    balls: [

const buff = sceneModel.toBuffer(scene);
console.log(buff) // expected <Buffer 04 00 03 00 05 ff f1 ff e8 00 07 ff fb 23 28 00 03>

const outScene = sceneModel.fromBuffer(buff); 
console.log(outScene); // { balls: [ [ 3, 5 ], [ -15, -24 ], [ 7, -5 ], [ 9000, 3 ] ] }


setDefaultEndian(endian: "BE" | "LE"): this;

This method changes the default endianess from arrays and numbers.

using the inversion (!) on the arrays, invert the actual endian


setTypeConditional(type: string, condition: string, structure: string[]): this;

This Method has a complex behavior, considering data of the type type, if the data.type is equal to the condition, the data.data structure will be equal to strucuture, if the sent data don't have any condition, will return a error.

const ShapesModel = new SS("shapes: shapes[1]")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "circle",  "x: int", "y: int", "radius: int")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "square",  "x: int", "y: int", "width: int", "height: int")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "poligon", "x: int", "y: int", "radius: int", "sides: byte");

const Shapes1 = {
    shapes: [
        { type: "circle", data: { x: 2, y: 8, radius: 4 } },
        { type: "poligon", data: { x: 3, y: -3, radius: 20, sides: 8 } },
        { type: "square", data: { x: -6, y: 5, width: 10, height: 10 } },
        { type: "circle", data: { x: 0, y: 0, radius: 40 } },

const buff = ShapesModel.toBuffer(Shapes1); // output buffer
const Shapes2 = ShapesModel.fromBuffer(buff); // identical to object "Shapes1"


setTypeConditionalIndex(type: string, indexType: string): this;

This method sets the way of saving the index on the buffer, the recommended indexType is string, byte or any other type of number, this can handle anothers type, but only with preProcessing, because the input of the array can only accepts number or string.

const ShapesModel = new SS("shapes: shapes[1]")
    .setTypeConditionalIndex("shapes", "byte")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "0", "x: byte", "y: byte", "radius: byte")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "1", "x: byte", "y: byte", "width: byte", "height: byte")
    .setTypeConditional("shapes", "2", "x: byte", "y: byte", "radius: byte", "sides: byte");

const Shapes1 = {
    shapes: [
        { type: 0, data: { x: 2, y: 8, radius: 4 } },
        { type: 2, data: { x: 3, y: -3, radius: 20, sides: 8 } },
        { type: 1, data: { x: -6, y: 5, width: 10, height: 10 } },
        { type: 0, data: { x: 0, y: 0, radius: 40 } },

const buff = ShapesModel.toBuffer(Shapes1); // expected <Buffer 04 00 02 08 04 02 03 fd 14 08 01 fa 05 0a 0a 00 00 00 28>
const Shapes2 = ShapesModel.fromBuffer(buff); // identical to object "Shapes1"