1.5.9 • Published 22 days ago

strike-discord-framework v1.5.9

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22 days ago

strike-discord-framework is a simple, lightweight command and permission framework for Discord.js


const framework = new Framework(opts);
await framework.init();

This code will start the framework, the opts object has the following stucture

interface FrameworkClientOptions {
	token: string // Discord bot token,
	name: string // Application name, used for logging and database setup,
	commandsPath: string // Path to the commands folder,
	defaultPrefix: string // Prefix
	databaseOpts: {
		databaseName: string, // Name of the mongoDB database
		url: string // URL to connect to mongoDB
	loggerOpts: { // (Optional)
		logChannels: Record<LogLevel, string>; // (Optional) A map between the log level, and where it should go
		logToFile: boolean; // If the framework should log out to a file
		filePath: string; // (Optional) Filepath to store log files, each log file is separated by day
	ownerID: string; // (Optional) Your discord Id for permission override
	dmPrefixOnPing? boolean; // (Optional) If the bot should DM user the prefix whenever its pinged
	permErrorSilently: boolean; // (Optional) If permission errors should be quietly ignored, rather then sending the user an error
	dmErrorSilently: boolean; // (Optional) If the bot should tell users that they cannot run that command in DMs when its set as such
	clientOptions: ClientOptions; // (Optional) Discord client options, passed directly to DJS. Its highly recommend you set this as otherwise the intents are set to everything

When you init the framework, you may also pass in an optional object that will be attached to all CommandEvent's

await framework.init(some_object)

In order to load default commands use the loadBotCommands method with a path pointing to the frameworks defaultCommands method The following default commands are loadable:

Default Commands

  • misc - help - Uses the help object on commands to show user help - ping - A simple ping-pong command to show the bot is running
  • admin - eval - Allows the owner of the bot to execute javascript code - override - Enables override of all permissions - prefix - Allows a server admin to change the prefix value in a guild - perm - Allows for the control of command permission flags

This code should point to the default commands path in most nodejs project



Command folder structure

Within your commands folder, you should have multiple sub directories for each category of command. The above shows the commands and how they are arranged. There is a second type of command called "MultiCommand" that allows for a set of commands that fall under the same parent command, for the above perm is a multi command so the folder structure looks like this

  • misc - help.ts - ping.ts
  • admin - eval.ts - override.ts - prefix.ts - perm - grant.ts - list.ts - perm.ts - remove.ts

perm is a multicomamnd as there is a perm.ts file within it. Multi-commands are defined by having a file, with the same name as the folder in it. xxx/xxx.ts = multi command. All other files within the folder will be counted as child commands of the multi-command


To create a command, place a file within the commands directory. commands/category_name/filename.ts The file should have a default export, that is a class that extends the Command The command class has the following structure

abstract class Command {
	abstract name: string; // (Required) The command name, what the user run
	allowDM: boolean = true; // If this command can be ran in DMs
	permissions: string[] = []; // The permission flags this command has
	altNames: string[] = []; // Alternative names for this command
	help: { msg?: string; usage?: string; } = {} // A help object used for the help command
	noPermError(event: CommandEvent, ...args: BotCommandArgument[]): BotCommandReturn; // An optional method that will be called whenever a user without permissions executes the command
	abstract run(event: CommandEvent, ...args: BotCommandArgument[]): BotCommandReturn; // (Required) The method that is run when a user executes a command


BotCommandReturn can either be void, or a Sendable. It can also be a promise of either of those.

type Sendable = string | Discord.MessageEmbed | { embeds: Discord.MessageEmbed[] };


The type for automatic argument parsing: number | string | Discord.Role | Discord.User | Discord.GuildMember | UserRole; UserRole is a special class, that will resolve either a user or a role. The following properties exist:

  • id - Role or user Id
  • value - The actual object, either a Discord.User or Discord.Role
  • type - Either "user" or "role"


The MultiCommand class extends the Command class. All sub commands are refrenced via the primary command, such as when the user runs a command it has the following syntax:

[prefix][multi-command-name] [subcommand] [arguments] A multi-command has one additional property to regular commands, check. Check is optional, and by default will not modify command execution.

check(event: CommandEvent): MultiCommandRet | Promise<MultiCommandRet>

All other commands of a multi-command should be just regular multi-commands. If the base command cannot be executed for whatever reason (DM when DMs are set to false, no permissions, etc) then the child command will not be ran


An object with the following structure

	event: CommandEvent; // An updated CommandEvent, very useful if you would like to extend the command event class and add additional properties. This updated command event will be passed to the run method of the child command
	pass: boolean; // If this command should continue execution and run the child command
	failMessage: Sendable; // If pass is set to false, this will be sent to the user


Command event is the primary method to interact with the framework when commands execute. The class has the following structure

class CommandEvent<T = any> {
	command: BotCommand; // The bot command that this event was triggered by, if its a part of a multi-command this will be the child command that gets executed
	app: T; // This is the value that was passed into the framework on initialization
	framework: FrameworkClient; // A reference to the framework instance
	message: Discord.Message; // The discord message that triggered this command
	args: string[]; // A list of arguments the user gave, split by spaces, but where anything in quotations will be grouped. hello world "hello world"
	constructor(event: CommandEvent); // If you extend the command event class then pass in the original command event to assign the values 

Argument Parsing

To use automatic argument parsing there are some pre-requisites that must be completed first

  • reflect-metadata is included, and loaded before the framework
  • You are using typescript
  • tsconfig.json has the following: - "experimentalDecorators": true - "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

The argument types that can be parsed are stated above, to enable argument parsing simply decorate a command with the @CommandRun tag. This would look something like

class MyCommand{
	name = "command"
	async run(event: CommandEvent, role: Discord.Role, name: string, user: Discord.string) {}

All the arguments will be automatically parsed and given to the run command. If any argument fails to parse it will not run the command

String and number arguments can have specific restrictions applied to them using the Arg decorator

  • Numbers can restrict using min and max properties
  • Strings can restrict using the regex property
  • Both can have the following properties: - optional - If this value is strictly required, or can be omitted (this can be applied to the other types as well) - options - Strictly sets what values are valid, is an array of possibilities


Get a number greater than 5, and optionally get a string thats either "hello" or "world"

class MyCommand{
	name = "command"
	async run(event: CommandEvent, @Arg({min:5}) num: number, @Arg({optional: true, options: ["hello", "world"]}) str: string) {}


All utilities are accessed via framework.utils, which will contain several utility methods

Display Id

framework.utils.displayId(id: string, guild?: Discord.Guild, opts?: DisplayIdOpts)

Formats a discord Id to be human readable |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |id | string | The Id that will be displayed, can be a user, member, channel, role, or server Id| |guild | Discord.Guild? | The context of the Id for formatting as a ping or raw string| |opts | DisplayIdOpts | an object with the booleans includeTypePrefix and includeID| |returns | Promise\ | The formatted user-friendly string that describes the Id|

Parse Quotes

framework.utils.parseQuotes(str: string)

Takes in a string, and splits the string into parts based off spaces and grouped by quotes |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |str | string | Input string| |returns | string[] | Array of the split and parsed strings|

React Confirm

framework.utils.reactConfirm(prompt: string, message: Discord.Message, opts?: ConfirmOptions)

Gets a confirm/cancel action from the user |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |promot | string | Thing to ask the user to confirm| |message | Discord.Message | Message from the user, used to target specific user and channel| |opts | ConfirmOptions | Optional set of options to configure how the framework should respond to the input|

ConfirmOptions has the following structure, every property is optional

interface ConfirmOptions {
	visual: boolean; // If the replys should be ephemeral or not
	onCancelMessage: Sendable; // The message sent when the user presses cancel
	onConfirmMessage: Sendable; // Message sent when user presses confirm
	onConfirm: () => Sendable | Promise<Sendable>; // Callback on pressing confirm, return value is sent to user
	onCancel: () => Sendable | Promise<Sendable>; // Callback on pressing cancel, return value is sent to user 

Resolve User

framework.utils.resolveUser(resolvable: string, guild?: Discord.Guild)

Attemptes to resolve a Discord.User from a string, by id, name, and nickname |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |resolvable |string| String to try to resolve to a user| |guild | Discord.Guild | Optional to help with the resolotion| |returns | Promise\<Discord.User> | Returns the user that was found. WIll be null if none found|

User input helpers

There are four primary methods to get user input, those are

  • getString - Gets a single message from the user and returns its content
  • getSelect - Creates a drop down select and gets N number of options from it
  • getButton - Creates a message with buttons on it, and returns the first the user clicks
  • getButtonSelect - Creates a message with buttons, and allows the user to press multiple buttons


messageDiscord.MessageThe message from the user to target user and channel
promptDiscord.MessageEmbedThe embed to send as the prompt
returnsPromise\the user entered value


messageDiscord.MessageThe message from the user to target user and channel
promptDiscord.MessageEmbedThe embed to send as the prompt
optionsSelectOption[]The selection options
valuesnumber = 1How many values for the user to enter, defaults to one
returnsPromise\<string[]>the user selected value(s)

SelectOption has the structure

interface SelectOption {
	name: string; 
	description?: string;
	emoji?: string;
	value?: string; // If value is defined, the returned value is this, otherwise its the name


messageDiscord.MessageThe message from the user to target user and channel
promptDiscord.MessageEmbedThe embed to send as the prompt
optionsButtonOption[]The button options
returnsPromise\the value of the button the user pressed

ButtonOption has the structure

interface ButtonOption {
	name: string;
	emoji?: string;
	value?: string; // If value is defined, the returned value is this, otherwise its the name
	disabled?: boolean;


messageDiscord.MessageThe message from the user to target user and channel
promptDiscord.MessageEmbedThe embed to send as the prompt
optionsButtonSelectOption[]The button options

ButtonSelectOption has the structure

interface ButtonSelectOption {
	button: ButtonOption;
	onSelect: (itr: Discord.ButtonInteraction, updateButtons: (options: ButtonSelectOption[]) => Promise<void>) => void | Promise<void>;

onSelect gets two values, the interaction, and an updateButtons callback that can be used to update the selection options after the user clicks a button, it is not required that you update anything

Paged Embeds

There are two types of paged embeds, NamedPageEmbed or NumberedPageEmbed, where named uses string indexs selected by the user, and numbered uses sequential numeric indexs.

There are two methods used to construct these classes, and they have near identical siguatures framework.utils.namedPageEmbed(message: Discord.Message, base: EmbedCallback, init: EmbedCallback, pages: NamedPage[]) |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |message| Discord.Message| The message from the user to target user and channel| |base| EmbedCallback | This is the message first sent, where either the controls for moving backwards and forwards are created, or the selection for the named pages is added| |init| EmbedCallback | Creates the initial emebed for the page after an interaction| |pages| NamedPage[] | Array of pages the user can select| |returns | NamedPageEmbed|

For a numbered page embed simply replace NamedPage with NumberedPage and use framework.utils.numberPageEmbed

EmbedCallback is a simple callback type that resolves an embed

type EmbedCallback = () => Discord.MessageEmbed | Promise<Discord.MessageEmbed>;

NamedPage is an object to describe a single page of the embed

interface NamedPage {
	name: string; // Name shown in the select
	description?: string; // Description in the select
	emoji?: string; // Emoji in the select
	get(existing: Discord.MessageEmbed, name: string): Discord.MessageEmbed | Promise<Discord.MessageEmbed> // Callback that will be executed when this page is selected, should return the updated embed

NumberedPage is simular to NamedPage but for numrically indexed pages

type NumberedPage = (existing: Discord.MessageEmbed, index: number) => Discord.MessageEmbed | Promise<Discord.MessageEmbed>;

Object Builder

framework.utils.objectBuilder<Obj>(display: DisplayFunc, message: Discord.Message, questions: Question[]) |Argument | type | Description| |- | - | -| |display| DisplayFunc| A function with the following signature (obj: Object, framework: FrameworkClient, message: Discord.Message) => Discord.MessageEmbed \| Promise<Discord.MessageEmbed>. This is used by the object builder class to show the user the object being edited| |message| Discord.Message | Used to target the specific user and channel| |questions| Question[] | An array of questions that can be used to modify the object| |returns | ObjectBuilder\ | An instance of the OjectBuilder class that can be used to modify or create the object|

ObjectBuilder class


There are three types of questions, each extend from the base question interface

interface BaseQuestion {
	type: QuestionType; // QuestionType is an enum with str, button, and select values
	handle?: (value: string) => { passes: boolean; value: any }| Promise<{ passes: boolean; value: any }>; // Called when the user inputs a value, allows for modification of the value type and for rejecting the value outright
	prop: string; // The property on the object to set
	name: string; // The name of this question, used to select to show the user options in a drop down
	prompt: string; // The prompt to ask the user when asking for input
  • QuestionType.str (StringQuestion) - Gets a string from the user, no additional properties over BaseQuestion
  • QuestionType.select (SelectQuestion) - Gets an option from the user via a select, has an options property that should be of type SelectOption[]. Uses the getSelect util
  • QuestionType.button (ButtonQuestion) - Promopts the user to press a button, with the options being defined in an options property that should be of type ButtonOption[]. Uses the getButton util

Ask One Question

ObjectBuilder.askOneQuestion(obj: Obj)

Asks a single question from the user, where they can select the question they would like to answer. If the user presses exit then the method will return null

objObjThe object that will have a modification preformed, and returned once the user makes the change
returnsPromise\The modified object (may be null)

Ask all questions

ObjectBuilder.askAllQuestions(obj: Partial<Obj> = {})

Asks the users all questions sequentially and builds up the object from that

objPartial\Optional object to start with, useful for default values
returnsPromise\The created object, may be null if the user exits

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