1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

string-pixelater v1.0.1

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5 years ago

String Pixelater


This is a simple tool to pixelate any characters. pixelate means to "convert a character to a two-dimensional array" so that we can deal with the tabular data for several purposes. I actually compose this and p5.js for painting generative art.

> StringPixelater.pixelate('hello', {fontSize: 24})


How does it work?

  • It uses <canvas> element as a temporary canvas to render characters.
  • Then it extracts and parses rasterized image data.


Just install and call StringPixelater.pixelate method with a string which you want to pixelate.

$ npm install --save string-pixelater
$ yarn add string-pixelater

Use as ES module

import StringPixelater from 'string-pixelater';

const table = StringPixelater.pixelate('Hello, world');

Load through <script> tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/dist/js/string-pixelater.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var table = StringPixelater.pixelate('Hello, world');

Pixelation Options

You can change StringPixelater's behavior with the following options.

fontSizefalsenumber12Font size.
fontNamefalsestring'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'メイリオ', Meiryo, Osaka, 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic'Font name.
transposefalsebooleanfalseIf it's true, it transposes a result tabular.


If you use p5.js or something that has inverted axes, transpose option is quite convenient.

> StringPixelater.pixelate('B', {fontSize: 24, transpose: false})

> StringPixelater.pixelate('B', {fontSize: 24, transpose: true})

The latter looks correct when it's rendered with simple and intuitive loops.

// Note: This is just pseudo code!
function draw() {
  const imageData = StringPixelater.pixelate('B', {fontSize: 24, transpose: true})
  const pixelSize = 10;

  imageData.forEach(function(row, i) {
    row.forEach(function(cell, j) {
      if (cell === 1) {
        ellipse(i * pixelSize, j * pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize);

This results like below:

Examples with this library

It just uses StringPixelater.pixelate('hello').

We can get pixelated emoji as like StringPixelater.pixelate('🐈').