1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

string-trees v1.1.0

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8 years ago


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Combine each branch in a Tree of Strings into its own string


npm install string-trees


npm install -g string-trees

Then import the module into your program:

var StringTrees = require('string-trees');


A String Tree is an Array of Strings

  • An array can be used instead of Strings to represent multiple values to use

StringTrees( Tree, Map, Options )

  • Tree (Array) - The String Tree to parse
  • Map (Object) - The Map of Strings to replace with other Strings/StringTrees
  • Options (Object) - The Options (if not used, the default Options will be used)
    • wordBoundary (Boolean) - Whether or not the Map should only replace whole words that match
      • Default : false
    • delimiter (String) - The Sring to place in between each string in the Tree
      • Default : ''
    • delimiterMapped (String) - The Sring to wrap around each mapped string
      • Default : ''

The default Options can be also set via the following method:

StringTrees.defineSettings( obj )

  • obj - The Options (see above)

This method returns the exports object, so it can be called immediately upon importing

var StringTrees = require('string-trees').defineSettings({
	delimiter : ' '


Combining Strings

var strings = ['hi ','how ','are ','you?']

StringTrees( strings ) == [
  'hi how are you?'

Combing Strings with Multiple Values

var strings = [
  ['hi ','hey '],
  'how ','are ','you?'

StringTrees( strings ) == [
  'hi how are you?',
  'hey how are you?'

Replacing Strings

var strings = ['hi ','how ','are ','you?'],
  map = {
    'hi' : ['hi','hey']

StringTrees( strings, map ) == [
  'hi how are you?',
  'hey how are you?',

Combing Strings with Delimiters

var strings = ['hi','how','are','you?'],
  map = {
    'hi' : ['hi','hey']
  options = {
    delimiter : ' '

StringTrees( strings, map, options ) == [
  'hi how are you?',
  'hey how are you?'

Replacement Delimiters

var strings = ['hi','how','are','you?'],
  map = {
    'hi' : ['hi','hey']
  options = {
    delimiter : ' ',
    delimiterMapped : ','

StringTrees( strings, map, options ) == [
  'hi, how are you?',
  'hey, how are you?'

Replace Full Words Only

var strings = ['hi','this','is','a','test'],
  map = {
    'hi' : ['hi','hey']
  options = {
    delimiter : ' ',
    delimiterMapped : ',',
    wordBoundary : true

StringTrees( strings, map, options ) == [
  'hi, this is a test',
  'hey, this is a test'

//Without the wordBoundary option:
  'hi, theys is a test',
  'hey, theys is a test'
