stromjs v0.5.5
Dependency-free stream utils for Node.js
Released under the MIT license.
yarn add stromjs
npm add stromjs
const strom = require("stromjs")
const {map} = require("stromjs")
import strom from "stromjs"
import {map} from "stromjs"
Override default options
import {instance} from "stromjs"
const strom = instance({objectMode: false})
const strom = require("stromjs").instance({objectMode: false})
See instance(defaultOptions) for details.
- accumulator(flushStrategy, iteratee, options)
- batch(batchSize, maxBatchAge, options)
- child(childProcess)
- collect(options)
- compose(streams, errorCb, options)
- concat(streams)
- demux(pipelineConstructor, demuxBy, options)
- duplex(writable, readable)
- filter(predicate, options)
- flatMap(mapper, options)
- fromArray(array)
- instance(defaultOptions)
- join(separator)
- last(readable)
- map(mapper, options)
- merge(streams)
- parallelMap(mapper, parallel, sleepTime, options)
- parse()
- rate()
- reduce(iteratee, initialValue, options)
- replace(searchValue, replaceValue)
- split(separator)
- stringify()
batch(batchSize, maxBatchAge, options)
Returns a Transform
stream which produces all incoming data in batches of size batchSize
Param | Type | Description |
batchSize | number | Size of the batches to be produced |
maxBatchAge | number | Maximum number of milliseconds a message will be queued for. E.g. a batch will be produced before reaching batchSize if the first message queued is maxBatchAge ms old or more |
options | TransformOptions | Options passed down to the Transform object |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
.pipe(strom.batch(3, 500))
// ["a","b","c"]
// ["d"] //After 500ms
Returns a Duplex
stream from a child process' stdin and stdout
Param | Type | Description |
childProcess | ChildProcess | Child process from which to create duplex stream |
const catProcess = require("child_process").exec("grep -o ab");
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
// ab is printed out
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that collects streamed chunks into an array or buffer
Param | Type | Description |
options | object | |
options.objectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a stream of objects |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
.pipe(strom.collect({ objectMode: true }))
.once("data", object => console.log(object));
// [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] is printed out
compose(streams, errorCb, options)
Returns a Transform
stream which consists of all streams
but behaves as a single stream. The returned stream can be piped into and from transparently.
Param | Type | Description |
streams | Array | Streams to be composed |
errorCb | (err: Error) => void | Function called when an error occurs in any of the streams |
options | TransformOptions | Options passed down to the Transform object |
const composed = strom.compose([
strom.split(), => data.trim()),
strom.filter(str => !!str),
strom.flatMap(data => data),
const data = ["[1,2,3] \n [4,5,6] ", "\n [7,8,9] \n\n"];
// 123456789
Returns a Readable
stream of readable streams concatenated together
Param | Type | Description |
streams | ...Readable[] | Readable streams to concatenate |
const source1 = new Readable();
const source2 = new Readable();
strom.concat(source1, source2).pipe(process.stdout)
source1.push("a1 ");
source2.push("c3 ");
source1.push("b2 ");
source2.push("d4 ");
// a1 b2 c3 d4 is printed out
duplex(writable, readable)
Returns a Duplex
stream from a writable stream that is assumed to somehow, when written to,
cause the given readable stream to yield chunks
Param | Type | Description |
writable | Writable | Writable stream assumed to cause the readable stream to yield chunks when written to |
readable | Readable | Readable stream assumed to yield chunks when the writable stream is written to |
const catProcess = require("child_process").exec("grep -o ab");
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
.pipe(strom.duplex(catProcess.stdin, catProcess.stdout))
// ab is printed out
filter(predicate, options)
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that filters out streamed chunks for which the predicate does not hold
Param | Type | Description | |
predicate | (chunk: T, encoding: string) => boolean | Predicate with which to filter scream chunks | |
options | object | ||
options.objectMode | boolean | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a stream of objects |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
.pipe(strom.filter(s => s !== "b"))
// ac is printed out
flatMap(mapper, options)
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that flat maps streamed chunks
Param | Type | Description |
mapper | (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R[] | Mapper function, mapping each (chunk, encoding) to an array of new chunks (or a promise of such) |
options | object | |
options.readableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects |
options.writableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects |
strom.fromArray(["a", "AA"])
.pipe(strom.flatMap(s => new Array(s.length).fill(s)))
// aAAAA is printed out
Convert an array into a Readable
stream of its elements
Param | Type | Description |
array | T[] | Array of elements to stream |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b"])
// ab is printed out
Creates a stromjs instance that uses the provided default options for any created stream function
Param | Type | Description |
defaultOptions | TransformOptions | Default TransformOptions to apply to created stream functions |
const strom = require("stromjs").instance({objectMode: false})
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that joins streamed chunks using the given separator
Param | Type | Description |
separator | string | Separator to join with |
options | object | |
options.encoding | string | Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8 |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"])
// a,b,c is printed out
Returns a Promise
resolving to the last streamed chunk of the given readable stream, after it has
Param | Type | Description |
readable | Readable | Readable stream to wait on |
let f = async () => {
const source = strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "c"]);
console.log(await strom.last(source));
// c is printed out
map(mapper, options)
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that maps streamed chunks
Param | Type | Description |
mapper | (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R | Mapper function, mapping each (chunk, encoding) to a new chunk (or a promise of such) |
options | object | |
options.readableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects |
options.writableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b"])
.pipe( => s.toUpperCase()))
// AB is printed out
Returns a Readable
stream of readable streams merged together in chunk arrival order
Param | Type | Description |
streams | ...Readable[] | Readable streams to merge |
const source1 = new Readable({ read() {} });
const source2 = new Readable({ read() {} });
strom.merge(source1, source2).pipe(process.stdout);
source1.push("a1 ");
setTimeout(() => source2.push("c3 "), 10);
setTimeout(() => source1.push("b2 "), 20);
setTimeout(() => source2.push("d4 "), 30);
setTimeout(() => source1.push(null), 40);
setTimeout(() => source2.push(null), 50);
// a1 c3 b2 d4 is printed out
parallelMap(mapper, parallel, sleepTime, options)
Returns a Transform
stream which maps incoming data through the async mapper with the given parallelism.
Param | Type | Description | Default |
mapper | async (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R | Mapper function, mapping each (chunk, encoding) to a new chunk (non-async will not be parallelized) | -- |
parallel | number | Number of concurrent executions of the mapper allowed | 10 |
sleepTime | number | Number of milliseconds to wait before testing if more messages can be processed | 1 |
function sleep(time) {
return time > 0 ? new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)) : null;
.fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8])
strom.parallelMap(async d => {
await sleep(10000 - d * 1000);
return `${d}`;
}, 3),
// 321864
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that parses the streamed chunks as JSON
strom.fromArray(['{ "a": "b" }'])
.once("data", object => console.log(object));
// { a: 'b' } is printed out
reduce(iteratee, initialValue, options)
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that reduces streamed chunks down to a single value and yield that
Param | Type | Description |
iteratee | (chunk: T, encoding: string) => R | Reducer function to apply on each streamed chunk |
initialValue | T | Initial value |
options | object | |
options.readableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a readable stream of objects |
options.writableObjectMode | boolean | Whether this stream should behave as a writable stream of objects |
strom.fromArray(["a", "b", "cc"])
.pipe(strom.reduce((acc, s) => ({ ...acc, [s]: s.length }), {}))
// {"a":1,"b":1","c":2} is printed out
replace(searchValue, replaceValue)
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that replaces occurrences of the given string or regular expression in
the streamed chunks with the specified replacement string
Param | Type | Description |
searchValue | string \| RegExp | Search string to use |
replaceValue | string | Replacement string to use |
options | object | |
options.encoding | string | Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8 |
strom.fromArray(["a1", "b22", "c333"])
.pipe(strom.replace(/b\d+/, "B"))
// a1Bc333 is printed out
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that splits streamed chunks using the given separator
Param | Type | Description |
separator | string | Separator to split by, defaulting to "\n" |
options | object | |
options.encoding | string | Character encoding to use for decoding chunks. Defaults to utf8 |
strom.fromArray(["a,b", "c,d"])
// a|bc|d is printed out
Returns a ReadWrite
stream that stringifies the streamed chunks to JSON
strom.fromArray([{ a: "b" }])
// {"a":"b"} is printed out
accumulator(flushStrategy, iteratee, options)
demux(pipelineConstructor, demuxBy, options)
const strom = require("stromjs").strom();
function sleep(time) {
return time > 0 ? new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)) : null;
const rate = strom.rate(2, 1, { behavior: 1 });
rate.pipe( => console.log(x)));
async function produce() {
await sleep(500);
await sleep(500);
await sleep(500);