1.2.0 • Published 2 years ago

strops v1.2.0

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2 years ago

:hocho: Strops (String Operations)

npm version Known Vulnerabilities FOSSA Status

:pushpin: Installation

$ npm i strops
// CommonJS
const strops = require('strops')
// or:
const { replace, remove } = require('strops')

// ESM
import * as strops from 'strops'
// or:
import { replace, remove } from 'strops'

:zap: Methods

removeRemoves all substrings and returns <string><string, ...substrings>
replaceReplaces all substrings with new substring and returns <string><string, newSubstring, ...substrings>
getAtoBReturns all substrings from A to B as an <array> of <string><string, a, b>
getAtoBInnerReturns all substrings from A to B as an <array> of <string> exclusive<string, a, b>
removeAtoBRemoves all substrings from A to B as a <string><string, a, b>
removeAtoBInnerRemoves all substrings from A to B as a <string> exclusive<string, a, b>
getIndexesReturns index pairs for all substrings as a {startIndex: endIndex, ...}<string, ...substrings>
getIndexesAtoBReturns index pairs for all substrings from A to B as a {startIndex: endIndex, ...}<string, a, a>
getIndexesAtoBInnerReturns index pairs for all substrings from A to B as a {startIndex: endIndex, ...} exclusive<string, a, b>

:heart_eyes: Pretty tooltips in your IDE


:blue_book: Usage

Common snippet for examples below:

const strops = require('strops')

const text = `<table>
<tr><td class="class-1"><b>JavaScript</b></td></tr>
<tr><td class="class-2">C++</td></tr>
<tr><td class="class-1">Python</td></tr>


const newText = strops.remove(text, '<b>', '</b>', 'class-1')

// returns:
// <table>
// <tr><td class="">JavaScript</td></tr>
// <tr><td class="class-2">C++</td></tr>
// <tr><td class="">Python</td></tr>
// </table>

// Also you can pass an array of substrings to get the same result
// Just use the spread operator to expand the array out to the parameters
const newText = strops.remove(text, ...['<b>', '</b>', 'class-1'])


const newText = strops.removeAtoB(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// <table>
// </table>


const newText = strops.removeAtoBInner(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// <table>
// <tr></tr>
// <tr></tr>
// <tr></tr>
// </table>


const newText = strops.replace(text, 'Rust', 'Python', 'C++', 'JavaScript')

// returns:
// <table>
// <tr><td class="class-1"><b>Rust</b></td></tr>
// <tr><td class="class-2">Rust</td></tr>
// <tr><td class="class-1">Rust</td></tr>
// </table>


const newText = strops.getAtoB(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// [
//  '<tr><td class="class-1"><b>JavaScript</b></td></tr>',
//  '<tr><td class="class-2">C++</td></tr>',
//  '<tr><td class="class-1">Python</td></tr>'
// ]

// You can easily get first entry by:

const newText = strops.getAtoB(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')[0]

// returns:
// <tr><td class="class-1"><b>JavaScript</b></td></tr>


const newText = strops.getAtoBInner(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// [
//  '<td class="class-1"><b>JavaScript</b></td>',
//  '<td class="class-2">C++</td>',
//  '<td class="class-1">Python</td>'
// ]


const newText = strops.getIndexes(text, '<tr>')

// returns:
// { '8': 12, '60': 64, '99': 103 }
// * where <key> is start index, and <value> is an end index

// And yes. I know that we have <key> as a type of <string> here.
// But this approach simple to use when you get slices by iterating this:
const word = 'Hey bro!'
const indexes = { 0: 3, 4: 7 }

for (let key in indexes) {
	console.log(word.substring(key, indexes[key]))
// Hey
// bro


const newText = strops.getIndexesAtoBInner(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// { '12': 54, '64': 93, '103': 134 }
// * where <key> is start index, and <value> is an end index


const newText = strops.getIndexesAtoB(text, '<tr>', '</tr>')

// returns:
// { '8': 59, '60': 98, '99': 139 }
// * where <key> is start index, and <value> is an end index

:dart: Coming soon:

  • Tests
  • Methods with a simple conditions/RegExp integration
  • Specific methods for an HTML tags


Copyright (c) 2022 Max Shane. Strops is MIT licensed.