0.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

study-group-app-router v0.0.3

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Last release
6 years ago

app-router npm

React router build with React v16



yarn add study-group-app-router


npm install --save study-group-app-router


<Router />

Required wrapper component which provides context to routes.

strictMode: PropTypes.bool (default: false)

If provided, children will be wrapped in React.StrictMode.

errorRoute: PropTypes.node (default: null)

Component which will be rendered after catching an error

errorHandler: PropTypes.func (default: console.error)

Function which will be used for handling caught errors

children: PropTypes.node.isRequired

<Route />

path: PropTypes.string.isRequired

Url pattern which will determine if certain route is visible. Can contain route variables which will be parsed as route params.

  <Route path="/">route 1<Route />
  <Route path="/post">route 2<Route />
  <Route path="/post/(/:id)">route 3<Route />

children: PropTypes.node.isRequired

<TransitionRoute />

Component with the same API as <Route /> but with additional animations

path: PropTypes.string.isRequired

children: PropTypes.node.isRequired

<PortalRoute />

Component which allows rendering it's children in a new window

onCreate: PropTypes.func.isRequired

Called after opening modal. Since React doesn't know about inserting new elements into DOM it's basic implementation has to look as follows:

  <PortalRoute onCreate={() => this.forceUpdate()}>

onClose: PropTypes.func

Called after closing modal.

width: PropTypes.number

height: PropTypes.number

top: PropTypes.number

left: PropTypes.number

<Link />

to: PropTypes.string.isRequired

Absolute url which will change pathname.

className: PropTypes.string.isRequired

className which will be passed to DOM link element

target: PropTypes.string.isRequired

target which will be passed to DOM link element.

children: PropTypes.node.isRequired

  <Link to="/post/1" className="link">Click me<Link />

<WithRouter />

Component which exposes router variables using render prop

children: PropTypes.function.isRequired

  <WithRouter>{(router) => {...}<WithRouter/>
router.location: browserHistory.location object
router.params: params parsed using url pattern
router.push: browserHistory.push function
router.replace: browserHistory.replace function
