0.0.1-2 • Published 6 years ago

styled-api v0.0.1-2

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6 years ago

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Constraint based styling api based on styled-system.

What's this?

styled-api seeks to allow designers and developers to expose a styling api for a component. This is a proof of concept implementation based off of Adam Morse's idea.


Often times a component has styles that are customizable, and styles that aren't. Take a button for example, it might make sense to change colors, margin, padding, border radius and font size. With styled-api, you can expose these as a public api, leaving all other styling private and unable to be manipulated by the component's user.


npm install --save styled-api


const styled = require('styled-api')

const Button = styled('button')({
  padding: true, // Apply subset of theme
  fontSize: true,
  fontWeight: [400, 600],
  color: true,
  bg: true

Prop Types

If desired, you can add prop type validation to your styled api. This is recommended in development environments so a descriptive error is raised when an invalid theme prop is passed. Otherwise, invalid props are simply ignored.

const {
} = require('styled-api')

Box.propTypes = propTypes(api, theme)

Cartesian Product

styled-api exposes an additional component that can document all possible combinations based on its styling api.

const { xProduct } = require('styled-api')

const combinations = xProduct({
  margin: true,
  borderWidth: [0, 1, 2, 9999],
  borderStyle: ['solid', 'dotted'],
  borderColor: true

combinations.map(props => <Button {...props} children='Click me' />)



Big thanks to Cedric for working through Cartesian Products with me.




  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Crafted with <3 by John Otander (@4lpine).

This package was initially generated with yeoman and the p generator.