1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

styled-system-dark-mode v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Styled-System Dark Mode

Many React apps implement dark mode by using window in Javascript. That causes a problem if you're using server-side rendering and rehydration, because users will initially get the server-rendered page, which has no idea which mode they prefer.

This project allows styled-system based apps to seamlessly render the correct color scheme, regardless of whether server-side rendering was used. It works by replacing your colors with CSS variables. The dark and light versions of these variables are injected into the page at render-time (using media queries to select the correct value).


yarn install styled-system-dark-mode


npm i --save styled-system-dark-mode


Call the default export, providing an object with two keys, dark and light. For example, I could pass the following:

  light: {
    text: colors.black,
    bg: colors.white,
    grad: {
      skeleton: `linear-gradient(270deg, ${colors.gray[300]} 0, ${colors.gray[100]} 50%, ${colors.gray[300]} 100%)`,
  dark: {
    text: colors.whiteAlpha[900],
    bg: colors.gray[900],
    grad: {
      skeleton: `linear-gradient(270deg, ${colors.gray[800]} 0, ${colors.gray[700]} 50%, ${colors.gray[800]} 100%)`,

Both objects must contain the same keys. You can't, for example, set all your defaults in your normal theme, and then "overwrite" them for dark mode. You need to pass in a complete list of your CSS properties (which must be strings).

The call will return an object of:

  • vars: The new variables to merge into your object. (In the example above, this would contain text, bg, and grad: { skeleton }.)
  • DarkModeProvider: Container to wrap around your ThemeProvider, which will cause the SSR to emit the correct CSS.
  • css: CSS string containing the variables. (You only need this if you need to pass styles to an iframe.)
  • resolve: A function which resolves one of your "values" (a CSS variable reference) to its real value. Doesn't work properly server-side, so you should avoid this if possible.

You can call mergeThemes(old, new) to do a deep-merge of the two theme objects. This allows you to set different options deep within your theme, for example you may want to set a different value for font.weight for dark and light modes, but not affect other font properties.

(This is totally optional, and just provided for convenience.)


  • The object you pass into the default export can only contain strings, numbers, and other objects. You can't, for example, have a function as one of the values. Remember this will be rendered to CSS.
  • Any object trying to resolve a variable using styled-system (or whatever else) will no longer get back an actual color, but a string like var(--color-red). You can call resolve to get the actual value, but if called during a server-side render, it will not be able to detect the user's color-scheme, and instead return the light mode value.
  • No escaping is provided for the generated CSS which is injected into the browser. This could be used for HTML injection if passed untrusted input. (This is not an intended use-case, but if you have a use-case which requires it, you are welcome to send a PR.)


import React from 'react';
import makeDarkMode, { mergeThemes } from 'styled-system-dark-mode';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
import myTheme from './theme';

export default ({ children }) => {
  const { colors, DarkModeProvider } = makeDarkMode(myTheme.colors.modes);

  return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={{ ...myTheme, colors: mergeThemes(myTheme.colors, colors) }}>