4.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

styles-loader v4.0.1

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Last release
2 years ago


This is a webpack boilerplate that covers all plugins and loaders that are necessary to load .css, .less and | or .sass files into your project. Use npm install styles-loader rather than installing all css, sass and less loaders and plugins separately.


npm install styles-loader --save-dev

your webpack.config.js
  • in order to simplify the configuration process, it uses webpack-merge module to combine plenty webpack configs into one [read more]
  • all you have to do is to require styles-loader, create the new instance of it and inject it with merge module
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const StylesLoader = require('styles-loader'); //this is a [Function] constructor
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader(); //create new instace with all ready-to-use webpack rules, plugins, etc.

module.exports = merge(stylesLoader, {
  //your webpack settings here
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
    publicPath: 'dist/'
your entry index.js file
  import './css/styles.css';
  import './scss/bootstrap.scss';
  import './less/grid.less';
  • By default, all images, icons and fonts loaded in all .css, .sass and .less files with url() and @import keywords will be stored in the ./dist/assets/images and ./dist/assets/misc directories.
  • By default, all imported and required .css, .sass and .less files will be parsed to css and added to the DOM by injecting a <style> tag
  • and... that’s it!

Customization (optional)

The new StylesLoader([object]) takes the (optional) Object config object, that lets to customize how the webpack loaders behave under the hood.

const StylesLoader = require('styles-loader');
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({ //[Object] argument
  extract: 'styles.css', //it creates the bundled styles.css file rather than add <style> tags in the html file
  url:{/* the url-loader and file-loader options here for .woff, .ttf, .eot, .svg files */},
  file:{/* the file-loader options here for .jpg, .png, .gif files */},
  css:{/* the css-loader options here */},
  styles:{/*the style-loader options here */}
  sass:{/* the sass-loader options here */},
  less:{/*the less-loader options here */}

1. Add styles either as <style> or <link> in your html file

  • By default, all imported and required .css, .sass and .less files will be parsed to .css and added to the DOM by injecting a <style> tag automatically
  • In order to create one bundled .css file from all imported .css, .sass and .less files, add extract property to the Object config. It should indicate the String path to the new bundled css file, eg: "dist/styles.css"
  • Remember to add <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/styles.css"/> into your .html file
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge');
const StylesLoader = require('styles-loader');
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  extract: 'styles.css'

module.exports = merge(stylesLoader, {
  //your webpack settings here
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist')

2. Customize all loaders and plugins


Default: {}

  • It allows to use all css-loader options
  • The css-loader is used to resolve all @imports and url()s
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  css: {
    url: false

Default: {}

  • It allows to use all style-loader options
  • The style-loader is used to add the <style> tags into the html file with all stylesheets
  • it works only if the 'extract' config property is not defined (because then the bundled .css file is created)
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  style: {
    insert: 'head'

Default: {}

  • It allows to use all sass-loader options
  • The sass-loader is used to compile the scss into css
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  sass: {
    outputStyle: 'compressed'

Default: {}

  • It allows to use all less-loader options
  • The less-loader is used to compile the less into css
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  less: {

Default: { limit: 8192, name: '[name].[ext]', outputPath: './assets/misc' }

  • It allows to use all url-loader options
  • The url-loader is used to transform small files (woff, ttf, eot, svg) into base64 URIs
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  url: {
    limit: 20000 //only the files bigger than 20000 bytes will be stored in assets folder

Default: { name: '[name].[ext]', outputPath: './assets/images' }

  • It allows to use all file-loader options
  • The file-loader is used to emit all url() and @import required jpg, png, gif files into the output directory
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  file: {
    name: '[hash].[ext]',

Default: {}

  • It allows to use all image-webpack-loader options
  • The image-webpack-loader is used to optimize jpg, png, gif files
const stylesLoader = new StylesLoader({
  image: {
    mozjpeg: {
      progressive: true,
      quality: 65


git clone https://github.com/devrafalko/styles-loader.git
cd styles-loader/sample
npm install
npm start or npm run build
Check out how the webpack config files look like and how all assets files are handled.