1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

sui-vue-pagination v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


A pagination component for Semantic-UI-Vue.

Table of contents

Getting started

Install the npm package:

npm install sui-vue-pagination
yarn add sui-vue-pagination


Use the <sui-pagination> component:


import sui-pagination from "sui-vue-pagination";

export default {
    components: {
    data: function() {
        return {
            loading        : false,
            maxPagesShowed : 10,
            factor         : 5,
            items          : [],
            pageInfo       : {
                totalPages   : 1,
                currentPage  : 1,
                itemsPerPage : 10
    computed: {
        get itemsPerPage() {
            return this.pageInfo.itemsPerPage;
    methods: {
         * Callback Function to (re)load page data.
         * This function is REQUIRED and can be named as you like, as long as you pass the 
         * name to component's goPage prop. It will be called whenever a user click a page
         * number on pagination component and will pass the page number clicked as the first
         * and only argument.
         * The content is just an example of implementation and you should impement the 
         * corresponding way to access the backend api that will populate your page. In the
         * same way, the computed prop itemsPerPage() and the method queryString are just 
         * helpers in this example aproach.
        getPageData = (page) => {
            this.loading = true;
            const query  = this.queryString({ page: page, itemsPerPage: this.itemsPerPage });
            this.$axios.get(`${this.route}${query}`).then(response => {
                this.catalogFields = Object.assign(this.catalogFields, response.data);
                this.loading       = false;
        queryString(params) {
            const queryString = [];
            if (params.page) {
            if (params.itemsPerPage) {
            return queryString.length > 0 ? `?${queryString.join('&')}` : '';


Available Props

totalPagesNumber1Total number of pages to be displayed (eventually this will be the number of the last page)
currentPageNumber1Number of actual page selected and showed
maxPagesShowedNumber6Maximum number of pages to be showed simultaneously on component. Exceeding pages will be replaced by ellipsis.
factorNumber0Number of pages to be skipped by multipage jump buttons (e.g. factor=5 renders -5 and +5 buttons that allow user to jump 5 pages in each direction)
goPageFunctionCallback function called when a page number is clicked by user (required)




sui-vue-pagination, vue-pagination, pagination, vue component, vuejs component, vuejs, vue.js, semantic-ui-vue, semantic-ui