0.1.0-alpha2 • Published 5 years ago

sulat v0.1.0-alpha2

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

ATTENTION: This is currently in development. Please wait for the stable release.

NOTE: Unless this isn't yet fully complete, the version will remain as 0.1.0

SulatCMS Maintainability

Simple plugin-driven Headless CMS for JAMstack sites.


  1. Extensible - Want to use Gitlab as gateway? Add a custom shortcode/widget? You can make a plugin for it. Sulat has a simple plugin system to make it your own CMS.
  2. Dead simple - The interface doesn't have any additional steps to do what's supposed to do. Pick an article or create a new one with a click and start writing.
  3. Powered by Mithril - A tiny, complete out-of-the box Javascript library makes Sulat slim and fast.


To start, install Sulat via NPM/Yarn or

npm install sulat

or you can embed it directly

<!-- Place the CSS file before the <head> closing tag -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/sulat@0.1.0-alpha/dist/sulatcms.css">
<!-- Place the javascript file before the <body> closing tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/sulat@0.1.0-alpha/dist/sulatcms.js">


// To start using it, you can initialize it 
sulatcms.initialize(config, mount)
window.sulatcms.initialize(config, mount)
// or if you are using it on Node or in a bundler like Webpack, you can import the module;
const sulatcms = require("sulat");
const initCMS = sulatcms.initialize;
initCMS(config, mount)

There are two arguments in the initialize() function: 1. config : Object - CMS configuration 2. mount: Element - This is where you mount the CMS by using traditional selectors like document.getElementById() and others.

Config Options

  • auth : Object Auth object.
  • repo: String Path for the selected Git repo.
  • plugins: Array(Object | Function) Plugins array. This is where you will put your plugins.
  • keys['posts_path'] : String Specific key for setting file path this is if you are targeting specific directory in your repo.


Plugins are just plain objects that follows a structure:

const plugin = {
    name: "Hello world",
    activated: true,
    initialize(state) {
        state.name = "Ned"
        console.log("Hello! " + state.name)

It has a name, activated state, and a list of functions.

Creating a plugin

You can create a simple plugin by creating a simple Javascript object (like the example above) or by calling the registerPlugin function and assigning it in a variable.

var myFirstPlugin = window.sulatcms.registerPlugin("Hello world", {
    initialize: function(state) {
        state.name = "Ned";
        console.log("Hello! " + state.name);

Using the plugin

You can simply add the plugin to the CMS's config:

    // ...
    plugins: [myFirstPlugin]

As soon as the as the CMS is loaded, the plugins are automatically loaded. In this case, our plugin executes after the CMS has been fully loaded.

Using it on Netlify-hosted sites

For now, the Git plugin that SulatCMS uses the [netlify-auth-providers](https://npmjs.com/package/netlify-auth-providers) for the authentication of Gitlab/Github accounts.

Before proceeding with the step...

  • Create first a Github/Gitlab app. Full instructions can be found here.
  1. Navigate to your Netlify dashboard and select the site you want to integrate with.
  2. Go to Settings > General then look for the API ID. Copy it for later use.
  3. For the initialization, initalize first the CMS then add the API ID into the netlify_id field and the platform of your choice through the provider key into the auth property. Like this:
            auth: {
                netlify_id: "<API_ID>",
                provider: "gitlab"
    In this example, it uses Gitlab as the default platform for this CMS.
  4. Below the auth key, specify a repository you want to work with by adding the repo property into the config.
    ///... auth: {...}
    repo: "hello/world",
  5. Optional: If you have a specific directory in your repo that contains the text files you only want to edit with, you can specify it by adding a posts_path to the keys property.

        // auth: {...},
        // repo: "hello/world",
        keys: {
            posts_path: "entries/"
        // ...

    Note: Add an additional slash at the end of the path. Otherwise, it won't work.

  6. Deploy it and voila!

Development Notes

  • Plugin system now implemented. I'm gonna think first what set of APIs will be implemented.

Library Size

The file size of this library for the build 18ef17 reports about 200kb (compressed). Feel free to submit tips on how to decrease it (Click here!).

Pre-launch plans

  • Make Github and Gitlab as default platforms
    • Note: Login only works on Netlify sites. Still working on making it usable for non-Netlify sites.
  • ~~Implement few API's for plugins~
  • Cleanup the UI
  • Target file size should be atleast between 100-300kb


To start:

$ npm install

To develop:

$ npm run dev

To build for production:

$ npm run build

© 2018 nedpals.