0.4.7 • Published 3 years ago

super-simple-pg-dao v0.4.7

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3 years ago

Super Simple PG DAO


Built on top of pg-promises and node-postgres for PostgreSQL databases. The main objective is easy direct batch inserts from json data, where json fields are optional and data validation is already performed on the nodejs server. "Cascade" inserts for setting foreign keys automatically.


Install npm install super-simple-pg-dao --save

To get started check out the examples/ folder.


Init the pg-promise library as documented, e.g. (check out the examples/index.js)

const initOptions = { 
  // options
const pgp = require('pg-promise')(initOptions)
const db = pgp(config_connection)
const dbPool = db.$pool

and the initilize super-simple-pg-dao like:

require('super-simple-pg-dao').init({pgp, db})

// Test:
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

Init options for pg-promise

Some options I use (check out the examples/index.js):

// PostgreSQL jsonb data is converted to a string
BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() { 
  return this.toString() 
// Using PostgreSQL BigInt and BigInt[] in nodejs
pgp.pg.types.setTypeParser(20, BigInt) // Type Id 20 = BIGINT | BIGSERIAL

const parseBigIntArray = pgp.pg.types.getTypeParser(1016)
pgp.pg.types.setTypeParser(1016, a => parseBigIntArray(a).map(BigInt))

// Timestamp UTC error, if you are using default only UTC in the PostgreSQL database
// https://github.com/knex/knex/issues/2094
pgp.pg.types.setTypeParser(1114, a => a && new Date(a + '+00')) // TIMESTAMP_OID



Create a a file were you store the table description e.g. tables.js

import {
  TYPE_JSON} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

export const TABLE_USER = {
  '_name' : 'user', // your table name - MANDATORY
  '_id' : 'id', // your primary key - MANDATORY
  '_id_fk' : 'user_fk',// your foreign key name in the other tables, for batch insert "cascade" - OPTIONAL
  'id' : { 'type' : TYPE_INT8, 'null' : false},
  'role_fk' : { 'type' : TYPE_INT4, 'null' : false, default : 0},
  'type_fk' : { 'type' : TYPE_INT4, 'null' : false, default : 0},
  'name' : { 'type' : TYPE_VARCHAR, 'length' : 255, 'null' : false},
  'comment' : { 'type' : TYPE_VARCHAR, 'length' : 255},
  'activated' : { 'type' : TYPE_BOOL, 'null' : false},
  'enabled' : { 'type' : TYPE_BOOL, 'null' : false},
  'created' : { 'type' : TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 'null' : false},
  'updated' : { 'type' : TYPE_TIMESTAMP},

and the DAO class

import { 
} from '../tables'

import { DBClass } from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

class UserClass extends DBClass {
  constructor(){ super(TABLE_USER) }
const User = new UserClass()
export default User

That's it!


Different read examples

import User from 'dao/User'
const {db} = require('index')

// by name
let data = await User.read({name: 'test'})
// more parameters
data = await User.read({id: 1, name : 'test'})
// with task
await db.task('read10timesTask', async t => {
  data = await User.readTask(t, {name: 'test'})
}).then(() => {
  // ...
// more complex
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ANY([0,1]::bigint[]) OR (id = 1 AND type_fk = 3) AND type_fk = 1;
data = await User.read({id: {v: [0,1], t:'::bigint[])', c: '= ANY (', 'OR': {id: 1, type_fk: 3}}, type_fk: 1})
// more more complex
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ANY([0,1]::bigint[]) OR ((id = 1 OR (id = 1 AND type_fk = 3)) OR type_fk = 3) AND type_fk = 1;
data = await User.read({id: {v: [0,1], t:'::bigint[])', c: '= ANY (', 'OR': {id: {v: 1, c: '=', 'OR': {id: 1, type_fk: 3}}, type_fk: 3}}, type_fk: 3})


Different insert examples

import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

// by name
let data = await User.insert({name: 'test'})
// more parameters
data = await User.insert({name: 'test', updated: 'NOW()'})

Insert Conflicts

Insert ON CONFLICT is possible to

import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

const name = 'test'
let user = {
  comment : 'server500',
  _where : {
    name : name

let prepared = User.prepareInsert(user)
prepared.where = []
prepared.where.push('enabled IS TRUE AND name IS NOT NULL')

let data = await DB.query(DB.insert, prepared, prepared.values)


Different update examples

import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

// by parameters
let data = await User.update({comment : '1.1', activated : true, enabled : true, _where : {id : 1, name: 'test'}})
// more parameters
data = await User.update({comment : '1.2', name : 'testNEW', activated : true, enabled : true, updated : 'NOW()', _where : {id : data.id, name: 'test'}})

// with prepared
const name = 'test'
let user = {
  comment : 'server500',
  _where : {
    name : name

let prepared = User.prepareUpdate(user)
let data = await DB.query(DB.update, prepared, prepared.values)


Different delete examples

import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

// by name and id
let data = data = await User.delete({_where : {id : 1, name: 'test'}})


You can query as you want, the examples here are prepared statements, which are cached in DBClass (be aware with same names!). Preparation.select_object can build your SELECT w/ or w/o FROM part as you need. It can null or set to different values (e.g. true or 1) for your columns, e.g. to hide keys. For complex queries you need to set rowMode : 'array' from node-postgres otherwise your same name columns will be overwritten from the return object. Check out the examples and test.

import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

const name = 'test'
const type_id = 1
const limit = 2

const nameQuery = 'user::readSalt'

let query = User.getQuery(nameQuery)
if (!query){
  query = User.createQuery(nameQuery, {
    name : nameQuery,
    text : 'SELECT u.id, u.name, c.id as c_id, c.salt, c.expire, c.created, c.updated '+
           'FROM "' + TABLE_USER._name + '" as u, "' + TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL._name + '" as c '+
           'WHERE u.id = c.user_fk AND u.name = $1 AND u.type_fk = $2 AND '+
           '      u.enabled IS TRUE AND u.activated IS TRUE AND c.enabled IS TRUE ORDER BY c.expire DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT $3',
let data = await DB.query(DB.one, query, [name, type_id, limit]) 
import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

const sample = 100
const name = 'test'
const type_id = 1
const limit = 2

const nameQuery = 'user::readSalt::complex'

let query = User.getQuery(nameQuery)
if (!query){
  query = User.createQuery(nameQuery, {
    name : nameQuery,
    // null the key to not show it
    text : Preparation.select_object({'u':TABLE_USER,'c':TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL}, {'c': {key: 'null'}}, false) + 
           'FROM "' + TABLE_USER._name + '" as u, "' + TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL._name + '" as c TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM($1)'+
           'WHERE u.id = c.user_fk AND u.name = $2 AND u.type_fk = $3 AND '+
           '      u.enabled IS TRUE AND u.activated IS TRUE AND c.enabled IS TRUE ORDER BY c.expire DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT $4',
    rowMode : 'array',
let data = await DB.query(DB.any, query, [sample, name, type_id, limit], [TABLE_USER, TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL]) 
import User from 'dao/User'
import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'

const name = 'test'
const type_id = 1
const limit = 2

const nameQuery = 'user::readSalt::complex::selectmore'

let query = User.getQuery(nameQuery)
if (!query){
  query = User.createQuery(nameQuery, {
    name : nameQuery,
    text : Preparation.select_object({'u':TABLE_USER,'c':TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL, 'd': TABLE_USER_DATA}, {}, true) + 
           'WHERE u.id = c.user_fk AND u.id = d.user_fk AND u.name = $1 AND u.type_fk = $2 AND '+
           '      u.enabled IS TRUE AND u.activated IS TRUE AND c.enabled IS TRUE ORDER BY c.expire DESC NULLS LAST LIMIT $3',
    rowMode : 'array',
let data = await DB.query(DB.any, query, [name, type_id, limit], [TABLE_USER, TABLE_USER_CREDENTIAL, TABLE_USER_DATA]) 

Batch insert/update/delete/read

Create an array with your object data and use DB.queryTxBatch() witch uses pgp.helpers.concat()

import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'
import Auth from 'dao/Auth'

// queries, options
let queries = Auth.prepareInsertQueries({})
for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++){
data = await DB.queryTxBatch(queries)

Batch insert "cascade"

The foreign keys are step by step overwritten from the defined field _id_fk set in table defintion of tables.js. With the method DB.queryTxBatchStepWithReturnFK() you can use this functionality otherwise use the method DB.queryTxBatch() which doesn't set the previous returned foreign keys and concatenates with pgp.helpers.concat()

import {DB} from 'super-simple-pg-dao'
import Helper from 'Helper'

const name = 'test cascade'
let salt = Helper.getHash(Buffer.concat([Helper.createRandom(32), Helper.createRandom(32)], 64))
let key = Helper.createKey('balalbalalba', salt) // PBKDF2_SHA512_10000_64

let data = {
  // USER
  user_credential: {
    key : key,
    type_fk : 2,
    type_key_fk : 2, // PBKDF2_SHA512_10000_64
    enabled : true,
  user_data: {
    value : {'hello' : 'hello11', 'user' : 'yes11'},
    type_fk : 2,
    enabled : true,
  auth : {},
  user : {
    name : name,
    type_fk : 2, // SERVER
    role_fk : 90, // SUPERADMIN
    activated : true, 
    enabled : true,
    comment : 'server',

// queries, options
let result_user = User.prepareInsertQueries(data)
for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++){

let queries  = [...result_user]
data = await DB.queryTxBatchStepWithReturnFK(queries)


  • Read the database tables meta data for creating tables.js
  • Read the database tables for creating dao/*.js class files.

3 years ago


3 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago