super-simple-sheets v0.0.1
Super Simple Sheets
The simplest way to read (and only read) cells from Google Sheets.
You gotta include the package.
const sheets = require('super-simple-sheets');
Get info about a spreadsheet. The opts.spreadsheet
is required. Returns a Promise.
let info = await{
spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'
});; // '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'
info.title; // 'Test Spreadsheet'; // 'Sheldon Dinkleberg'; // ''
// .updated is a proper Date object
info.updated.toISOString(); // 'Fri Mar 30 2001 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)'
// .worksheets is an array of worksheet objects
let worksheet = info.worksheets[0]; // 'ob6'
worksheet.title // 'Test Worksheet'
worksheet.rows // 100
worksheet.cols // 5
worksheet.updated.toISOString(); // 'Fri Mar 30 2001 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)'
Read the cells of a spreadsheet. Both opts.spreadsheet
and opts.worksheet
are required. Returns a Promise for a sparse two dimensional array. The array is zero-indexed.
let cells = await sheets.cells({
spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY',
worksheet: 'ob6'
cells[0][1] // 'foo'
cells[1][3] // null
cells[2][4] // 'bar'
You can also get a subset of the cells.
sheets.cells({ ..., rows: 3, cols: 3 });
You can shift the top left corner of the subset. x
and y
are zero indexed.
sheets.cells({ ..., x: 4, y: 7, rows: 3, cols: 3 });
Alternatively you can use R1C1 notation or A1 notation.
sheets.cells({ ..., range: 'R1C1:R3C3' });
sheets.cells({ ..., range: 'A1:C3' });
Note that the array will be absolutely positioned. If you're grabbing a subset from the middle of the sheet, the values will be offset from the start of the array.
let cells = await sheets.cells({ ..., x: 4, y: 7, rows: 3, cols: 3 });
cells[0] // undefined (row is outside range)
cells[4][7] // defined
cells[6][9] // defined
cells[6][1] // undefined (column is outside range)
cells[7] // undefined (row is outside range)
Create a wrapper around the API with some default values.
let spreadsheet = sheets.using({
spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY',
key: './path/to/keyfile.json'
const info = await;
We have to go deeper.
let worksheet = spreadsheet.using({ worksheet: info.worksheets[0].id });
let cells = await worksheet.cells({ range: 'R1C1:R3C3' });
If your spreadsheet is private, you can authorize the module using a Google Service Account JSON keyfile. It looks something like
"private_key_id": "some_key_id",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "sheldon_dinkleberg",
"type": "service_account"
You can provide the key as a filepath
let info = await{
key: './path/to/keyfile.json',
spreadsheet: '...'
or as an object
let key = require('./path/to/keyfile.json');
let info = await{
key: key,
spreadsheet: '...'
or through the environment. It doesn't need to be called out in that case.
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/keyfile.json node example.js
let info = await{
spreadsheet: '1bd1gOD7bE6pfJjTIt4iBjoI3OxBfRUXQv4ZT4EoSrVY'
9 years ago