1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

super-transformer-example v1.0.1

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4 years ago

Super Transformer - Example


This repository demonstrates how to use the super-transformer NPM package.


To install this package in your nodejs project:

$ npm i super-transformer --save

This will add it as a dependency to your package.json.


Once installed, this package offers two methods of using.

Command Line Script

The script transformJSON.js will take a JSON string as input and apply a template to that JSON to produce a string output.

You can use it like this:

$  node ./node_modules/super-transformer/transformJSON.js -t './templates/simple-example.json' -i '{"customer": {"name": "John"}}'

Be sure to pass a valid JSON string in the -i argument, otherwise, the script will end with an error!

Use the TemplateHelper Class directly in your own code

For embedding into your own code, you may also use the TemplateHelper class directly in your code.

// Include the library
const TemplateHelper = require('super-transformer').TemplateHelper;

// Create a data object to suit your needs. This should be a valid JSON object.
const contextData = {
        customer: {
          name: 'John',

// Apply a template to your data and save the result to a variable
const templateOutput = TemplateHelper.applyTemplate(

// Do whatever you want with the templateOutput

See the example file provided to try out this example: example-use-in-your-code.js.

TemplateHelper is a very thin wrapper around HandlebarsJS.


This package uses HandlebarsJS under the hood. The templates supported are therefore Handlebars templates. Handlebars supports many rich template substitutions. To learn more about handlebars/mustache template transformations, see the HandlebarsJS website.


4 years ago


4 years ago