1.0.11 • Published 6 years ago

superoffice.webapi.tsclient v1.0.11

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6 years ago

#Introduction: SuperOffice WebAPI TypeScript client

Axios based client for the SuperOffice WebAPI. Exposes the SuperOffice agents and data carrier objects as a TypeScript api.

The API is async / promise based, so that results must be awaited or thened.

    let contact: ContactEntity = { Name: "Bjørge AS", Department: "" };
    let config: AxiosRequestConfig = { auth: { username: 'my username', password: 'my password' } };
    let agent = new ContactAgent('https://crm.example.com/', config);
    contact = await agent.SaveContactEntity(contact);
    // or
    agent.SaveContactEntity(contact).then(res:ContactEntity => {
      // res.Name = "Bjørge AS"
      // res.ContactId now set
      return res.ContactId;

Agents and individual requests can be configured with language and culture settings:

    let opts : WebApiOptions = { 
        baseUrl: 'https://crm.example.com/',
        languageCode: 'sv',
        cultureCode: 'en' };
    let agent = new WebhookAgent(opts);
    let newHook = await agent.CreateDefaultWebhook();

    // all methods take an optional WebApiRequestOptions parameter to customize the request
    let requestOptions : WebApiRequestOptions = {
        languageCode: 'no',
        cultureCode: 'no' };
    let anotherHook = await agent.CreateDefaultWebhook(requestOptions);

The root WebApi object allows you to configure the system globally, so you do not have to specify the base URL for every request.

    let config : AxiosRequestConfig = { auth: { username: 'my name', password: 'my password' } };
    WebApi.configure(host, config);
    let agent = new WebhookAgent();
    let response = await agent.CreateDefaultWebhook();
    assert.equal(response.WebhookId, 0);
    assert.equal(response.Name, null);
    assert.equal(response.State,  WebhookState.Active );
    assert.equal(response.Type,  "webhook" );


npm install SuperOffice.WebApi.TSClient --save
yarn add SuperOffice.WebApi.TSClient

Getting Started

Import the WebAPI module, and go from there


var WebApi = require('superoffice.webapi.tsclient');
var api = new WebApi.AgentsApi('https://crm.example.com/');
api.authenticateWithPassword('foo', 'bar');
var agent = api.getContactAgent();
var contact = await agent.GetContact(123);
// or
    cont => { console.log(cont.Name); }


import { AgentsApi } from 'superoffice.webapi.tsclient';
var api = new AgentsApi('https://crm.example.com/');
api.authenticateWithPassword('foo', 'bar');
var agent = api.getContactAgent();
var contact = await agent.GetContact(123);

Build and Test

npm install

Installs dependencies. This installs the JEST testing framework and the TypeScript compiler.

npm run build

This compiles the typescript to Javascript files, and places them in the DIST folder

npm test

Runs the tests located in the __TESTS__ folder. The tests use Nock to mock the HTTP requests, so that the tests do not require a server to be running.


This project does not take contributions - it is generated code.

We will take suggestions for changes to the generated code though.


ISC License

Copyright (c) 2018, SuperOffice AS

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.


6 years ago


6 years ago