0.1.4 โ€ข Published 1 year ago

sveriodic-table v0.1.4

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Interactive Periodic Table component written in Svelte. With scatter plot showing periodicity of elemental properties and Bohr atoms showing electron shell configuration of different elements.

Screenshot of periodic table

๐Ÿ“ฆ โ€‰ Heatmap

Below a screenshot demonstrating the periodicity of elemental properties, the reason it's called periodic table. In this case, you're seeing recurring bumps and valleys in the first ionization energy as a function of atomic number.

Screenshot of periodic table heatmap

โš›๏ธ โ€‰ Element Details Pages

The details page for gold.


๐Ÿ”จ โ€‰ Installation

npm install --dev sveriodic-tables

๐Ÿ“™ โ€‰ Usage

Import the PeriodicTable component and pass it some heatmap values:

  import PeriodicTable from 'sveriodic-tables'

  const heatmap_values = { H: 10, He: 4, Li: 8, Fe: 3, O: 24 }

<PeriodicTable {heatmap_values} />

๐ŸŽฌ โ€‰ Events

PeriodicTable.svelte forwards the following events from each ElementTile:

  1. click
  2. mouseenter
  3. mouseleave
  4. keyup
  5. keydown

Each event is a Svelte dispatch event with the following detail payload:

detail: {
  element: ChemicalElement
  active: boolean // whether the event target tile is currently active
  dom_event: Event // the DOM event that triggered the Svelte dispatch

See DispatchPayload and PeriodicTableEvents in src/lib/index.ts

๐Ÿงช โ€‰ Coverage


๐Ÿ™ โ€‰ Acknowledgements