1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

svgpath-toolkit v1.0.2

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3 years ago


用于 SVG path 转换的工具包

注: 本工具只针对 path data 字符串, 不能使用 svg xml


npm install svgpath-toolkit


  • 通过import 引用
import {SvgPath} from 'svgpath-toolkit';

var transformed = SvgPath('path string')
  • 通过script 标签
<script type="module">
  import {SvgPath} from 'node_modules/svgpath-toolkit/lib/index.js';


<script src="node_modules/svgpath-toolkit/index.js"></script>
  var SvgPath = svgpathToolkit.SvgPath;


所有方法都是链式的 (返回对象本身).

new SvgPath(path): SvgPath

用链式方法创建新的 SvgPath 对象实例

SvgPath.from(path|SvgPath): SvgPath

类似于 Array.from(). 从字符串或其他SvgPath 实例创建新的SvgPath 对象实例

.abs(): SvgPath

Converts all path commands to absolute.

.rel(): SvgPath

Converts all path commands to relative. Useful to reduce output size.

.scale(sx , sy): SvgPath

Rescale path (the same as SVG scale transformation). sy = sx by default.

.translate(x , y): SvgPath

Rescale path (the same as SVG translate transformation). y = 0 by default.

.rotate(angle , rx, ry): SvgPath

Rotate path to angle degrees around (rx, ry) point. If rotation center not set, (0, 0) used. The same as SVG rotate transformation.

.skewX(degrees): SvgPath

Skew path along the X axis by degrees angle.

.skewY(degrees): SvgPath

Skew path along the Y axis by degrees angle.

.matrix( m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 ): SvgPath

Apply 2x3 affine transform matrix to path. Params - array. The same as SVG matrix transformation.

.transform(string): SvgPath

Any SVG transform or their combination. For example rotate(90) scale(2,3). The same format, as described in SVG standard for transform attribute.

.unshort(): SvgPath

Converts smooth curves T/t/S/s with "missed" control point to generic curves (Q/q/C/c).

.unarc(): SvgPath

Replaces all arcs with bezier curves.

.toString(): string

Returns final path string.

.round(precision): SvgPath

Round all coordinates to given decimal precision. By default round to integer. Useful to reduce resulting output string size.

.iterate(function(segment, index, x, y) , keepLazyStack): SvgPath

Apply iterator to all path segments.

  • Each iterator receives segment, index, x and y params. Where (x, y) - absolute coordinates of segment start point.
  • Iterator can modify current segment directly (return nothing in this case).
  • Iterator can return array of new segments to replace current one ([] means that current segment should be delated).

If second param keepLazyStack set to true, then iterator will not evaluate stacked transforms prior to run. That can be useful to optimize calculations.
