0.0.32 • Published 2 years ago

swagger-to-typescript-codegen v0.0.32

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Last release
2 years ago

Getting Started with swagger-to-typescript

Yaml and json format is supported

First step

create custom js script with

const {CreateApiService} =  require("swagger-to-typescript-codegen");

    outputPath: "./api", // url to generate service in your app
    prefix: "Your API prefix", // for example: api -> /api/users/
    swaggerEndpoint: "YOUR_SWAGGER", // your swagger address (GET-Request)

starting this script to generate api node THIS_SCRIPT_NAME.js

next, 2 files will be created along this path (it is recommended to create a folder named api for them).

Second step

In your frontend App

  import ApiService from "../api/Api.service"; // generate path folder === outputPath

  const apiService = new ApiService({
    endpoint: "YOUR_BACKEND_URL",
    headers: {}, //Your defaults headers, for example token
    responseHandler: res => {
        This is a very important handler, all requests that were sent through our service come here.
         The client must choose for himself how to parse the response body and whether it is necessary at all,
          as well as add handlers for response statuses from the server.
    onBeforeRequest: () => {
        // hook before every request. for example you can use this startLoader();
    onAfterReceivingResponse: () => {
        // hook after every request. for example you can use this stopLoader();



Typescript should tell you how to fill out the API correctly

  // get /api/users/
  const data = await apiService.requests.users.get();
  // get /api/users/{id}/
  const data = await apiService.requests.users.get({path:{id: 2}});
  // post /api/users/{id}/
  const data = await apiService.requests.users.post(user_model,{path:{id: 2}});
  // get /api/users/?name=John
  const data = await apiService.requests.users.get({query:{name: "John"}});
  // get /api/users/{id}/?name=John
  const data = await apiService.requests.users.get({path:{id:2},query:{name: "John"}});

patch, put, delete methods is supported